Some boat work: Decoy boards upgraded with grassing slats, and sail rig in progress

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
I have gotten some boat shop therapy in as of late... yesterday, was mild, and not much on my list of must do.
I did snake the drain in the shower, made a dump run, cut some grass. When I had me time, I added grassing slats to my decoy boards.



1 1/4" x 1/2" mahogany slats. They need a little hand sanding then will be glued and screwed on, then painted when I have enough to do to warrent breaking into my new gallon of FME. Couple more projects in the works that will use the paint...

I have been working the sailing rig, slow but sure. The mast is shaped, and stepped in the first picture above. I also have shaped the boom and the sprit.



And then messed around with some homemade hardware:



I don't profess to be a sailor, but I think the top piece is called a finger cleat, and the bottom is my version of a jamb cleat.
I need to figure out how to properly rig this sail. I ordered a book last night that should help, but if anyone is a sailor, and knows the
proper set up for a Sprit-boom rig, let me know. My thought is to mount the finger cleat on the mast, on the sail side, above where
the snotter for the sprit will tie-off, then the snotter will pass through the notch in the end of the sprit and back up to the jamb cleat,
aligned with the jamb down, so the snotter will first pass over the cleat so I can bear down, and then when tensioned pull up into
the jamb, and cleated off?

Likewise on the outhaul of the boom I plan to draw the sail out with a line through the hole in the end of the boom, and then back
to a jamb cleat mounted on the boom.

Though once the book arrives I may find I am way off!