Spring turkey - Florida


Well-known member

I decided on or about sunset of Sunday, January 31st that I would go turkey hunting this year as much as I could get away with. I managed to get away for about a dozen days, all but one during the week, and I had a fabulous time. Anyone who has been out in the turkey haunts of Florida during spring turkey knows how special a time it is. The air is fresh, the temps are cool and the sense of spirit is strong. I had the chance to put a little character on the new Osceola hen decoy…


I chased more Toms this year in 12 days than I’ve ever chased in an entire season past. I skipped the first couple of weeks, which proved to be a good thing. By week three, most folks had given up on Tom turkey, and the roosts, hammocks and pines were mostly all mine. Rarely did I see another hunter; rarely did I hear another shot, but the Turkeys were all out in force. Hens ruled the roost until the final week.


I managed a fair bird the second week. Although not the biggest gobbler with the longest beard, he did put on quite a show for the new hen decoy. Putt, head up – BOOM!




I saw these boys with their hens 5 days straight, always in the open, always too far for a shot, always ignoring my best efforts.

I had enough after 5 days of these two, so I took the peashooter (17HMR) the next week, only to find someone camping on the spot where I snapped the previous photos…fire still ripping at 0300. So I took my best guess where the turkeys would have moved to and hit the nail on the head. I had a bird sound off on the roost to my tree yelp. 5 minutes later he flew down into my lap. Now 10 yards with a scoped rifle is easy if you have the muzzle aimed in the right direction – I didn’t, but he began to walk into it. Then two hens flew down between him and me, and I was busted. I decided to take the shotgun again the next day. Well of course the pair of big gobblers are working the other end of the area out in the open with their hens. I ended the second to last week with more sights and sounds, a lovely time…

Fox squirrel


Female Snail Kite


Mossy Oak


Wild hog


Thursday was my last day because I was attending the state DU convention and was planning on leaving for that on Friday afternoon. So Thursday was it. For some reason I decided to set up next to where the campsite was; where I took the photos of the dueling long-beards a few weeks past. I didn’t feel real good about it, but the campers were not there and no sign that they had been there (no trash), the birds seemed to love the spot, so I put out the decoy and plopped down under a big oak with lots of cover.

I had a hen fly down in front of me, busted me after walking by about 10 feet away. Well that was not good. But ten minutes later, I thought I heard a faint gobble, so I put on the headphones and sure enough, he gobbled again. I babble cut as loud as I could muster with the mouth call and he sounded off. I cut again and he answered. Then he went quite. It was the longest 5 minutes, but then I see this little black dot move out of the hammock, about 300 yards down the way. I cut again and he gobbled, turned and headed my way. He stopped a few times to look around and I called again. He spotted the decoy and headed straight for it and stopped a little short, strutting, doing his thing. So I called again and he came right up to the decoy, strutted his best show…Putt – BOOM!

A nice bird 17.1 lbs -10 inch beard – 1-1/8, 1-3/16




Hitch – over and out
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Nice story(s) glad the campers had left the area clean for you. Sometimes it pays to listen to your gut feeling about where to set up. Congrats on a fine hunt and thanks for sharing it with us.
What a nice selection of pictures. I was picturing myself running that airboat on the Rio Grande. What trees were the large ones where the toms were strutting around? Sure liked that last shot of the colorful feathers. Thanks. Congrats on that hunt.
The camper's airboat fired up at 0930 and left the morning they were there, so I knew they weren't hunting. I spent an hour cleaning up after them...about 100 12ga hulls, 4 boxes of 45 and 9 brass on the ground too...paper targets left on trees, along with beer cans strune about, and the campfire coals left burning red.

What a nice selection of pictures. I was picturing myself running that airboat on the Rio Grande. What trees were the large ones where the toms were strutting around? Sure liked that last shot of the colorful feathers. Thanks. Congrats on that hunt.

Once you have an airboat, there's no turning back. Just a blast to run in. The trees are oaks and cabbage palm.

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Wow, Beautiful country, nice pics and glad to see your hard work paid off.

I'm heading out in the morning for our opener, weather has been rainy and wet and the birds have quieted down the last few days.........still I'm gonna give it a go and hope for the best.
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The camper's airboat fired up at 0930 and left the morning they were there, so I knew they weren't hunting. I spent an hour cleaning up after them...about 100 12ga hulls, 4 boxes of 45 and 9 brass on the ground too...paper targets left on trees, along with beer cans strune about, and the campfire coals left burning red.

Well that's a bummer. About then, I'd be burning red too.
Looks like fun, and no snake or gator pictures. Too bad about the garbage left behind, I know it's hard to get everything but it amazes me some don't even try to clean up their own mess.

Love the dark primaries those florida birds have. If I were more dedicated to getting into primitive archery then I am I'd be trying to mooch some off of you. :)

Great story Hitch. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't turkey hunt as much as they can get away with.

With the .17, do you place shots as you would with an arrow? High on the body in line with the leg from the side, around the base of beard from front?

Thanks guys,

I did step on one moccasin on the way out one day. I stepped on his tail. He could've bit me, but hurried off. And there are always gators.

Todd. You're right. My favorite shot is the profile back shot. If you hit their back, they'll drop and not even twitch...clean kill. Also I've shot one in the apex of the tail while strutting. That gets their back too. Neither method messes up the meat. I have not tried the head on shot, or the head shot which some folks prefer.


Great story and pictures! They remind me of my days in grad school in Gainesville. I hunted Lochloosa WMA. Despite my best efforts to avoid other hunters one would always come in after me. It seems like they wanted to get their moneys worth out of their box calls. they would call and call and call. One day while walking out a guy mentioned to me that the birds were getting call shy. Imagine that!

The only time I stepped on a moccasin was while roosting birds over the River Styx one evening. That schwaump quickly turned into a place this yankee didn't want to be anymore.

You brought back some good memories on dreary, rainy Ohio day.


Thanks Hitch. I'd like to shoot one with a rifle one day. When it comes down to it the rifle was a traditional way to hunt turkeys in the SE.

I would not get real excited about shooting one at 200 yards in the middle of a field with a .22/250, but a middle range encounter with something like your .17 would be very akin to the experiance with a 32 cal muzzleloader.
Thanks Brian. Your photos are wonderful, and I know someone that would love to trade a duck hunt with you. He's the best there is down this way and has the baddest airboat in the marsh...

,,,,,,,,and I know someone that would love to trade a duck hunt with you. He's the best there is down this way and has the baddest airboat in the marsh...

Hummmm,,,, must be someone from another forum. Certainly no one here comes to mind. :>) :>) hehe
,,,,,,,,and I know someone that would love to trade a duck hunt with you. He's the best there is down this way and has the baddest airboat in the marsh...

Hummmm,,,, must be someone from another forum. Certainly no one here comes to mind. :>) :>) hehe

I think he is talking about Capt Jeff ;)
Hello Hitch,
that's a great recount of your turkey season...thank you for sharing it. Best wishes.