Hi John. Thats a good looking boat with what looks like high quality work, and as much as I don't want to be seen as slighting what you have there, I feel I ought to relay to you a little story about when I had a boat blind with a drop down side like that....Once upon a time, back when I had a 14 foot V bow aluminum boat, fellow board member Dave Diefenderfer and I built a blind very similiar to yours on my boat. We used wood for the frame and chicken wire with reeds for the sides, but the shape and function was the same. The maiden hunting trip with that boat blind combination was in a fairly calm piece of water on a cold blustery day. To make a long story short, the first group of birds that came in were goldeneyes, low to the water, and straight in. Picture perfect...We dropped the blind side, stood to shoot and the dog decided NOW was a good time to leap out onto the door, just as we pulled the triggers, causing his weight to act as a lever arm and roll the boat onto its side with water gushing in over the side of the boat, and Dave and I thrown into a wet camo colored ball on the floor. The dog however maintained his composure and balance and stayed out on the door, frustrating any attempt we made to right the boat. After some serious amount of screaming, the dog jumped back in a boat now with water over the floor board and everyone in it wet, and contents jumbled.
I will spare you the rest of the story about the dead goldeneyes, the broken stock and the hypothermia, and finish with a warning that a swing down blind side and an excited dog makes a dandy lever arm. Be careful out there...