Blackwater Decoys

Steve Coulter

New member
I just acquired about 30 Blackwater Decoys that have been sitting in a garage. About 10 have paint issues and some are missing keels. At one time they were made in my hometown before the move up north. Can anyone tell me about them. I googled the company and found very little info except some comments by Capt. Jeff. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have seen some of his puddle duck decoys-nice work. Contact Parker's Coatings in Green Bay. Wi. (Mason Street) for paint kit to refurbish them.
U can give me a call & I can tell u what worked for me.

I will give credit where credit is due, Lou Tisch solved the problem of paint adhesion with the Blackwaters.

I've painted a couple dozen Blackwater decoys that I got from Mark Costilow (who I believe did the molds)

I used Lou's primer and paints.

I liked the decoys in the water....I thought their weight gave them a good float. They are heavy.
Thank you for your replies. I will give you a call Capt. Jeff and talk to you soon. Can I make replacement keels out of composite decking if I can find the right width? Some of them look new. I have a pair of gadwalls and pintails that I believe were never put in water.