Slide Show of "maxi" Hybrid


Well-known member
Some of you may remember this build from past years or other sites. Wispete asked for some photos of the Hybrid. I have a link saved for my photobucket slide show and posted it below. The show starts at the end of the build and goes back to the two models I made of the original hybrid and the maxi.

Some info:

I use the term "maxi" since this is the maximum sized boat you can obtain from two sheets of plywood without scarfing. The masking tape on the fillets is a tip from Tom Moore's "Kayaks You Can Build". It makes for some nice smooth joints. I learned that I don't like biaxle cloth or tape. Regular tape and cloth is just fine for most applications.

Currently the boat is still un finished and hopefully the owner will want to get it finished up this summer.
Nice slide show Lance! Thanks. Let me know when Chris gets it wet. I would like to see it float.
Ray, Thanks for posting. What kind of glue did you use for the laminated pieces?

That looks like a nice boat for shallow water.
I used polyurethane, think Gorrilla Glue, PL Premium, or Elmers Ultimate.

It was messy with all the foaming. I think in the future I will use Titebond III since testing as shown it to be a stronger glue for stuff like this. Right now I can't remember where I read the test results. Probably one of the wood working magazines.