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    Early Goose Hunt

    Heading up to the St Lawrence Region Friday to get some goose hunting in. Its a trip my youngest son and I take twice a year. Early goose and snow goose. Its more about spending a few days with my hard working boy. But we do enjoy whacking and stacking the birds, But its so nice this time of...
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    Waterfowl wealth

    Over the years that I have been on this wonderful site. I have read some great stories of fathers taking their kids hunting for the first time. Or their people telling tales of their first hunt and birds. Great stories that get us thinking about life. And how lucky we have been to be duck...
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    Close calls

    Over the years many of us have come very close to dying while duck hunting. For what ever reason the good Lord didn't want us at that time. I would like to know some of your close calls. I will share mine. Years ago I was hunting on the Hudson River. Tide was going down very fast. I was a...
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    Snow goose hunting in a few weeks

    Hello All Its that time of year for me and my son to head up to western NY. to hunt the white bird. We have been doing this for many years now. Its more like a father son vacation for a few days. We hunt hard when we are out there. But we pack a picnic basket that Yogi Bear would be proud...
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    Season came and Gone.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, 2021 duck and goose season was here and now gone in the Hudson Valley. I hunted the most days I have in years, Had some good days and more not so good. But I hunted with love ones and good friends . Ate good ! but it just wasn't duck. So I would not want a...
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    Season Dates stink

    Its been awhile for me to be back on here. Been reading so many of your great post. But here is my beef. I live in upstate New York Hudson Valley almost Capital District area. Our Duck Season dates are not good if you ask me. I know we have talked about this so many times over the last few...
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    Waterfowl Wealth

    Over the years that I have been on this great website. I have posted many different post. But a few of my best post were the ones on our waterfowl wealth. We all have plenty of guns ,decoys ,boats ,etc. But the wealth I'm talking about ! is how hunting ducks and geese got to be so powerful to...
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    Wood Duck Box Clean out

    On a Sunny Saturday we headed out to clean out as many wood duck boxes we could. When your carrying four people a twenty or so foot ladder plus tools and nesting materials. Its a hard task to take on. With the virus this past year we didn't build any boxes. So I thought we would go all out and...
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    Dam Wind and Snow Geese

    As we all know wind is everything when your hunting waterfowl. Or most anything for that matter. But this past weekend! I thought we were going to slam the crap out of the white bird. Early early Saturday morning we set out to a cold pit blind. Ice all over the place. But the guides did a great...
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    Operation ACE

    While we finally got to clean up our Duck Camp. About ten days ago after we had a giant snow storm(more then two feet). Then a heavy rain and then a melt down and heat wave here in Hudson Valley. The River flooded the camp and brought in everything that goes with a flood. In over forty years I...
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    Wood Duck Box Clean out

    Not sure if we will be building any wood duck boxes this year. But I have decided to take a group of my club members. And have a huge clean out project. We have more then ONE hundred and twenty or so boxes out in the bays and swamps in our area. And if we can clean them out it will be like...
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    Stories of years gone by

    Here in Up State New York our seasons are over. And its cold as heck out. So I thought I would get some of you all to tell some old tails. Days gone by if you will. Stories that made you a duck hunter for life or things that happen to you while duck hunting good or bad. Many times life goes by...
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    Wood duck box time

    This time of year after Christmas and New Years. I get my crew together and start building wood duck boxes. Or Start dealing with the State to give me some wood duck boxes. This year the State isn't building any boxes because of the virus. So we will be getting together after the new year to...
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    Good bad and ugly year

    First of all Bad and Ugly go together this year. We lost so many wonderful people to this nasty virus. So many people got ill from it. People lost their homes and jobs. But there was lots of good in this year also. People on the front lines stood their ground and battled the virus everyday. Good...
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    A Son , A Lab , and a Father

    Early Merry Christmas to you all, Well went out on the Hudson Saturday with my son and his six month old Yellow Lab. I can't remember ever enjoying myself so much hunting with out getting a duck The reason we went out was to take out my big boat blind before the ice hit the river. From...
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    deer ,duck ,goose

    Hello All After a super opening day duck season here in NYS for me and my son. Hunting hasn't been that great on the mighty Hudson River. First of all I hate the season the way it is set. Call me old school but running the season this way isn't any good for any duck hunter. For those...
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    Great Great Day

    Hello All Well I promised to share my opening day with you all, After talking about know rain and swamps and creeks dry. I told you ! if there was any ducks around the river would be the place to be. So my son and I got up really early and headed out on the river. The tide was already going...
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    Opening day coming soon

    With a week away here in the Hudson Valley, New York State. Duck season is coming fast. I have to say I miss the old days when we would open up this weekend. I really don't like the way these season are now set. I feel we lose lots of good duck hunting days. But I guess they have their...
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    Scouting ducks

    Went out during the afternoon on Friday to put out some blind markers. Scouted while! I was doing this task. I was very surprised that I saw a bunch of small flocks of black ducks, After riding around of a while , I started seeing some teal, woodies, but only a very few mallard. I was thinking...
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    New Gun, No Dead Geese, Lots of Fun

    Well I finally got to spend time with my youngest son. Its been hard during this Virus. I'm high at risk and he lives in a area that was hit very bad with the virus. So for almost six months we only talked or stayed far away from each other. If he did come upstate. Anyway ! we got out on the...