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      Phil Tilb replied to the thread Interested in a swap.
      Thanks so much for the info and encouragement! I’ll get back out there with some fresh optimism. I purchased a Kingyon Goose barrel off...
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      Phil Tilb replied to the thread Interested in a swap.
      But the fact I’m replying to a post from over a decade ago gives away that either they are difficult to come by or I don’t know where to...
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      Phil Tilb replied to the thread Interested in a swap.
      Hey Bill. From what I can tell based on the few times they go up on an auction site, the goose call ranges from $250 on the low end and...
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      Phil Tilb replied to the thread Interested in a swap.
      Hello Tim. Do you happen to have a Kingyon goose call I can purchase, or know hot to even start to locate one? Thank you!
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      Phil Tilb replied to the thread Paul Kingyon calls.
      Hello Peter. This is a long shot, but do you have a Paul Kingyon complete goose call or know the best way to obtain?
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