Search results

  1. Dave McNeill

    I got a keeper!!!!!

  2. Dave McNeill

    How do you tell your dog about---

    He should be rearing to go next season with all those sweet dreams.
  3. Dave McNeill


    Congrats on #5 nice looking bunch of pups. maybe by the time they can get around good we will have some green grass?? Enjoy
  4. Dave McNeill

    Thanks for the new birds

    Buying more shells is always a good thing. Hope you have another good shoot.
  5. Dave McNeill

    Gadwalls expanding their range?

    We hunted the port of Valdez from the late 80s and into the late 90s , after the freshwater froze us out of the MatSu valley area . the Gadwall numbers on the salt water in Valdez were impressive and were there until the season closed around Jan 21st. IT is an amazing bird for sure.
  6. Dave McNeill

    Well the superbowl wasn't real super....

    yea expected more from the Broncos .. Or are the Seahawks reallyl that good?
  7. Dave McNeill

    decoy head ID

    Broadbill to me as well
  8. Dave McNeill

    Love those black beaks---

    Thanks for the story and photos that spot is sure pretty.
  9. Dave McNeill

    Please send divers....

    We have been hunting Kentucky lake for the past few weekends no Bluebills here either???
  10. Dave McNeill

    That Salt Cedar Sapling

    Glad its not any worse. Wish you a speedy recovery.
  11. Dave McNeill

    And then it happened—

    Your pup sure has that proud look in his eys, thanks for the story. Merry Christmas from Dixie
  12. Dave McNeill

    Another duck hunt at the ranch

    Thanks for the stoty , nice looking honey hole.
  13. Dave McNeill

    Way to go---Packers!

    I had given up and went outside to feed my 13 year old lab, and knew nothing about the win until this morning when i checked this forum. Go Packers!!
  14. Dave McNeill

    It Was a Big Deal!

    Yes the Tok management area was where I got my first solo ram in 1995, I left a few items on the hill as well, to make room in the pack. Good luck hunting Steve . And thanks again for the story Al , they can never take the memories for sure. Dave M
  15. Dave McNeill

    It Was a Big Deal!

    Great story Al, I was in the GREATLAND myself for 8 years and remember the feeling of that first solo ram, all the preperation was almost as fun as the hunt. Hope for more great hunting stories. Dave M
  16. Dave McNeill

    Hope you guys on the east coast are weathering the storm OK

    Yea, I am thankful that I have grass without snow cover, to do my post season chores, of getting decoys from truck and boats, and getting them back in their off season storage shed. We have had less than a inch this winter. Hope it warms up for you guys up there.
  17. Dave McNeill

    My last 2 days of the season---

    Al, Thanks for the photos and stories during the season. Dave
  18. Dave McNeill

    TDB Classic remolding time

    Tony, thanks for the photos . Dave
  19. Dave McNeill

    TDB Classic remolding time

    My question is: are the rods that you are selling as replacement grassing rails, round, or closer to rectangle shape as the original classic rails? Thanks again, Dave
  20. Dave McNeill

    TDB Classic remolding time

    Tony, on your website the grassing rails are referred to as rods, are there two different rails here, I got some rods from Armstrong 4 years back and they are still in the box. Are you selling rails or round rod sections? I have ordered some replacement rails from another source, but dont...