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  1. Gene R.

    Show off your doublegun...

    Oh my! I don't know if I could think about getting salt water on that gun. But you'd sure look good doubling up on brant with that gun. I'll try and dig up some photos of my different over/unders. Gene
  2. Gene R.

    God looks out for fools and duck hunters

    Shawn, Glad all worked out for you. I'm going to add oars to my Broadbill in off season and a sm. kicker for Duck Wrangler. I've broke down a couple times and It's not a good feeling even if you have back up plans or buddies near by. The older ya get the more worry or think about how things can...
  3. Gene R.

    Show off your doublegun...

    Scott, The second photo with daughter gun and dog is priceless. You should be proud and I'm sure you are. Gene
  4. Gene R.

    Show off your doublegun...

    Steve, very nice purchase!!! Great wood grain. There is something about dbl's that make it special gunning for ducks and geese. I'll bring my Citori and have 2 shot hunt down on the shore next year. Gene
  5. Gene R.

    The light at the end of the tunnel pt1 a 6 week adventure story

    Todd, Was that a car motor attached to the long tail on big boat? Very very interesting photos thanks for sharing. Gene
  6. Gene R.

    Hailing all NY hunters, SAFE Act as it pertains to ammo purchases and licenses

    I know I'm a little off topic. But, Once again in this countries history Democrats have chosen to divide it. All this under the leadership of a president who finds admiration in president Lincoln . How ****ing ironic. I do not know the population of NY but I doubt if even every warm body outside...
  7. Gene R.

    Show off your doublegun...

    Steve , does this mean the 21" 870 turkey gun has met it's retirement? If so thank god, my ear drums thank you:) Gene
  8. Gene R.

    NDR- California senator's speach about gun control

    John, we can only hope him and the Hillary make a blood bath out off the primaries on each other. Two birds with one stone. wink wink. Gene R.
  9. Gene R.

    duck ID help

    Yep, just gadwall. no hybrid mix. Blk billed are drakes, orange blk speckle on bills are hens or immature drake but the ones in photos seem to look like mature hens. Very nice photos by the way. Gene R.
  10. Gene R.

    NDR- California senator's speach about gun control

    I could go on for hours about idiot's like him in numerous states and gov't offices till my head explodes! Everyday some elected official is caught in a lie and nothing is ever done. No job loss, no loss of pension, no jail time, just a free pass to lie and break more laws and promises. I'll...
  11. Gene R.

    Quick Snow Hunt

    Craig, you've been tearing it up this year. The snow on your sneak boat reminds me of some fine black duck hunts I've had on the shore with snow squalls in my sneak boat. Thanks. Very fine strap of ducks today for a afternoon hunt. Gene R.
  12. Gene R.

    It snowed down here!

    Thank you Al, your stories and photos are enjoyed by many here at dbhp and our spouses. Gene R.
  13. Gene R.

    TDB 14 Sea Class build Lots of pics beware

    Tony. I have a open tube of permatex gasket compound in chalking gun, think that would work. Before it inevitable drys up. I have silicone also. Thanks, Gene
  14. Gene R.

    Show us your duckboat

    Here's my AA Broadbill prior to season
  15. Gene R.

    It snowed down here!

    Al, only a little flurries last week for me but it brought some jewelry with it. Band lab said, greater snow goose, born 2008 or prior, banded 8/2009, bylot island, nuvunat, Canada. Spelling of location maybe off. . Gene R.
  16. Gene R.

    TDB 14 Sea Class build Lots of pics beware

    Tony, it's coming along nicely. How do you secure the trim? Is it just a tight crimp or do you add adhesive? I have some on my boat that always slides of and annoys the hell out of me. Gene
  17. Gene R.

    Grassed layout boat for Bluebills.

    Yep, did it last week, last year and years before. BB's Redheads and Cans as a matter a fact. Gene R.
  18. Gene R.

    Pocket Knife

    Marlin spike with a rope blade on other end.
  19. Gene R.

    TDB 14 Sea Class build Lots of pics beware

    Tony , looking good, great to see the resurrection of the TDB. How are you doing the seating in boat? You mentioned floor foam sealed in unless punctured or drilled from top. Good luck with that sewing, I just cant figure it out without breaking needles and thread knotting up. Gene R.