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  1. J

    where are all my wood ducks

    I have managed a half dozen to a dozen boxes for over 20 years. Last year was my worst hatch year. I typically have eggs in the boxes by mid Feb. This year, I have 6 boxes and all have eggs. Two boxes were nest dumped up to about 21 to 22 eggs each. Those boxes hatched last about 16 eggs each...
  2. J

    What's on your WORKBENCH ? -April 2020

    All of the birds here look great. Glad to see so much carving going on. This month being at home has freed up both of my boys to carve and has allowed me to help another friend with a gunner. I will introduce Kevin. He carved a few birds with me over the years, but this is his first in the last...
  3. J

    What's on your WORKBENCH ? -April 2020

    Here is one my 13 year old just finished. Head and body were carved with a knife. Very little power tool work.
  4. J

    History of Decoy Carving in Alabama

    There is a section in the book about old carvers which I thought was interesting. I would have to dig the book out to find the pages that was written on. Eric is correct in the Fall Flights of Alabama book being a good start. We are not traditionally a decoy heritage state. Now, there are a few...
  5. J

    Steve Sutton Memories

    I met Steve about 20 years ago through Bill Kell which was my carving mentor at the time. Steve and I talked and emailed regulary about decoy carving and chasing ducks during those first years of our relationship. Barry, Steve's brother, invited me to go hunt Washington state sea ducks with he...
  6. J

    May Baskets? or What is on your workbench in May?

    Good looking birds.Love the dead mount carving. Looking good Dax. Cork gunners from recent months.
  7. J

    What's on your workbench ? MARCH

    Great month of carving here. My friend Jon Espey carved his first decoy in 7 years with me over the last two weeks. Cork gunner with tupelo head. I felt that he did a great job and wanted to share his work.
  8. J

    What's on your workbench ? MARCH

    It will usually go where you want it to, but doesn't always come back. The best part is that it doesn't whine, shed or poop. I am considering making another to see if I can breed them. Puppies would stay without breaking. Red heads are nice.
  9. J

    What's on your workbench ? MARCH

    I recently had a discussion about Labrador ducks with a friend which inspired me to make my own version of a Labrador decoy. Non extinct version.
  10. J

    A girl and her dog

    Sorry to hear it Dani,
  11. J

    What's on your workbench ? MARCH

    It has been a while since I have posted. Glad to see all of the great decoys on the site.
  12. J

    Heck Rice,Jeff Coats and Pratt Decoy

    Heck Rice Canvas Buffy $125 shipped Jeff Coats Green Wing Teal cork shipped $115 Pratt Factory decoy shipped $100 [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
  13. J

    Tim Bombardier Golden Eye Decoy

    Cork Bombardier Golden eye. Nice wooden rump insert. $150 shipped [/URL]
  14. J

    Bill Kell Decoys

    Bill Kell Cork Decoys Spooner Pair $230 Shipped per pair Buffy Pair $230 Shipped per pair [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
  15. J

    Mark Costilow Decoys For Sell

    Mark Costilow Cork Red Head and Ring Neck $265 shipped. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
  16. J

    Herters Model 72 Mallards

    I have 19 mallards. I will sell all for $250 shipped or break them into groups of 6 (2 drakes,4 hens) $85 shipped per 6 [/URL]
  17. J

    Coot decoys

    Cork molded coot decoys by Bill Kell, painted by me several years ago. Some have painted eyes, some do not. All have been hunted over. $25 each plus shipping. I think I have 18 total. Pics are now attached. Heads are chip carved. Weighted keels. Birds self right
  18. J

    Old Wooden Decoys

    I have a few old decoys that I am getting rid of. One is an old Wooden Herters Blue Bill stamped on the bottom ($115). Ron Vick Wooden Mallard ($75), Unknown scratch painted chessapeak style Black Duck ($65), Unknown Ruddy Duck ($50) - appears to be made of cedar, and a repainted Mason (or at...
  19. J

    Hail Call: Jason Russell

    He says thanks
  20. J

    Hail Call: Jason Russell

    Thanks guys. I may have to get him to ohio show this year