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  1. D

    Lou, paint question

    Well, the BASF rep got new shirts ............ lol. As far as appliance grade wet paints I have been using BASF, looking at Valspar. So far BASF is the only one that can give me a 0 T (measure of adherance in a bend, smaller the number the better) and 2 T. Valspar just ran some that is going...
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    Lou, paint question

    Sorry on the pencil. I handle pre-painted steel for an appliance company (BASF, Valspar - BASF is being bought out by PPG btw). We measure paint hardness using pencils for scratch and gouge, H, HB, 2H, 3H etc.
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    Lou, paint question

    Weather is topping out around 60. Paint going to cure out ok? How long? Doing in 2 coats, planning a day between coats. If I have to I can put in an oven at work for a couple days (yes it is a large over - 150 -350 degree range). Last question, what pencil should it come in at when cured...
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    Thanks Lou

    For the help on the paint. I will order some tomorrow. Dave
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    Second layer of fiberglass?

    When putting a second layer of fiberglass on the bottom, do you fill the weave on the first layer before putting on the second layer? Or do you just put the second layer on the first as laid without filling? I prefer to lay it dry. Thanks, Dave
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    Drain Tube

    When installing a drain tube when building a boat, when is the best time in the build to do it? Before fiberglassing, then fiberglass around the tube or after fiberglassing? Never installed one before. Thanks, Dave
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    Rowing Question

    I really do appreciate it, kind of outside what I know. I think I can put a brace under the oar locks.
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    Rowing Question

    Never rowed before so I am lost on this. Got a little (key word little) boat. 40" wide by 10 foot long. Sides are 12 inches. Going to use like a layout mainly poling, but was thinking about oars for setting decoys. Not going to row well since it is flat on bottom, but will not go far...
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    New Member from Oklahoma

    I am from a little down river of you (Fort Smith). We hunt the river out of a 1755 express, last year was a 1542. It could be all you wanted in the 1542, however they are more flat bottomed than your semi V so you are cutting the water better. The 17 has a 60, the 15 was a 25 hp. What you...
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    Harlequin Decoy for the Wife

    Good work Jeff. When did you two finally get married? Man, you did not even invite me. Dave
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    working decoy pattern book

    Prefer Godin for the patterns, Burke for the paint instructions.
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    New Sneakbox

    Craig, How did you build your top/blind, and how does it collapse down if you do not mind me asking? Dave
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    Fairly new guy

    Thanks for the welcome, I will get some pictures posted when I get the boat started, even put some decoys on it. Found the perfect place for it this weekend, no way to get a big boat on it. Good luck to everyone on their season.
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    Fairly new guy

    Sorry guys, got on last week and started asking questions without even saying who I was. Joined a while back, just really did not post before. Anyway, I live in Arkansas, either over in the Arkansas River Valley or up at Tilly. Neither place has many ducks but I try to chase them anyway...
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    Bluebill vs Mallard (boats)

    Thanks for all the help guys, looks like a bluebill after the season is over. Rick, been reading it, looks doable, just have to take my time. Jeff, not expecting that much, just dimensions. You should remember from teaching me carve I can be a bit particular? well, never mind. BTW...
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    Bluebill vs Mallard (boats)

    Jeff Kind of a weird year. Scaup, the redhead I told you about, today I found out 2 guys got three more redheads. Me, all gads and mallards. If you head this way let me know the week before. You have the plans already, how tough does it appear to be to build? Dave BTW, took me...
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    Bluebill vs Mallard (boats)

    Thanks guys, exactly what I needed. You guys are good as Jeff said. Based on what I see I think I will go with the bluebill, even though the mallard might be better for what I use it for at first. Keep thinking of the 3 mile run down the bay and that might be real slow with the mallard...
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    Bluebill vs Mallard (boats)

    lol, Jeff you will be the other guy in the boat. Need to come down, hunting is a lot different since that 1755 showed up. The places we have found ........ You are always welcome in the boat. Rick, that was what I was looking for on the rowing. Eric, Got a line on a 9.9 and a 20...