An Interesting Morning---

Al Hansen

Well-known member
The last time I hunted which was on Thursday, I never shouldered my Nova. The wind was kicking up out of the southwest this morning which is totally opposite of normal. I decided to set out 17 decoys and see what happened.
Right after shooting hours opened I had six widgeons come and I got lucky and scratched a hen out of that group.


About an hour later I was sipping on a cup of coffee when I saw a bunch of shadows in the sand and water right in front of me. I reached for my duck call and then saw about 35 pintails (All Drakes) fly right over my head from behind me. I got them to make a big turn and they came back for a second look. Just as they began to make a turn I put the bead on the leading drake, fired, and watched him plus the drake behind him both fall into the Rio Grande. That is the first time in my life I have ever taken a Scotch double on bull sprigs.




My little Olympus P&S did its best.



Following that was a long dry spell but I did have a pair of sandhill cranes land on the island just behind my decoys.


About another hour went by when I saw a flock of snows heading south into the wind. It was pounding on them but they seemed determined to get back to Bosque del Apache. Just behind them and on the other side of the Rio were three snows that were trying to catch up. I grabbed my duck call and gave my best hail call. What the heck. Guess what-----it worked. A juvenile snow peeled away from the other two and winged its way across to my side. That is the first time I have ever shot a snow goose with a 2 3/4" steel 7 shot shell.






After getting the goose, I sat there another hour hoping to see some other ducks to shoot. That did not happen but I did see some more pintails. They ended up landing right after I took the last picture with my camera. I sure wished that I had my other camera with me. Not to be, however.








It was a great morning to be out.


Looks like you & chili had a great day! I hope they continue for you & we can continue to benefit also. Thanks Joe

neat the moon over the mountains photo....beautiful.....

Al, that chili dog is something.

The pictures with the grain remind me of a Hagerbaumer Print if I squint my eyes just so. Those sprig sure are cool. They are a rarity here. I have been on one hunt where we saw one and I missed seeing it.

Your background for hunting sure is nice.
That sure makes for a nice day Al... both yours and mine. I sure did enjoy the pictures and story. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the comments. In about a half hour Chili and I will be heading out to the ranch to a spot we haven't been to in a year. There is water there now and I'm excited to see what we might see today.

neat the moon over the mountains photo....beautiful.....


The moon was so bright yesterday morning that I did not need to use my headlamp to set up my decoys. Bev and I love it here. On the left side of that picture is a peak known as Mt. Baldy. I climbed to the top of it to prove to myself that my left leg was better. Took a picture of the world's fourth highest observatory from above. That was an exciting day.
Just seeing that many pintails would have made my season.

You are a fortunate man

You and I both realize how lucky I am. That is the first time in three years that I have taken a bull sprig. That specie is so darn beautiful. Just think, in those two flocks to have seen over 60 drakes!

Robert, I thought the same thing as you when that snow flew across the Rio to the side I was on. Thank you for the comments.
I love my Chili dog! If she had her way, she would be sleeping on the foot carpet outside the kitchen door instead of the kennel during our duck season.
I wished that the shot was clearer but I was using the burst mode on the Olympus which doesn't give me much room to crop. I should not have cropped that picture----not enough light, also. The pintails have been a rarity to me also for over three years. I sure was glad to see what I did yesterday.
Thanks, Bob.
Morning Dave,
I am finally getting used to the Yentzen call. In fact, this morning I will be hunting a very small pond which is in some woods and the ducks, if they are there, will be in my face! This call will be perfect for this spot. If there are any ducks there I should be seeing wood ducks, gadwalls, and mallards.