An original ATV

a friend of mine used to have one of those bad boys! Everybody at deer camp would laugh while sitting in their big jacked-up trucks the first time they saw it. He had a chart that started at 5 bucks then 10 then 15 etc., taped on the dash. when someone would ask if that was his spedometer he would just say thats the charge for pulling you outta the mud. First person was 5 next was 10 etc. He would usually clear 100 bucks plus a season !!!!

since that ad is on gun broker , I assume your bidding on the gun and the "mount" comes with it. =)
I would love to have one of those little buggers...........the gun or the jeep!
A buddy of mine had one that had the propeller and a pto generator. The tunnel down the middle had the exaust run through it for heat and a little oven deal that would heat C rations....wish I had it.

When I was a little tike my dad and his buddy had a freind that worked at the Rock Island Arsenal that got them one in a crate. That was the first time I heard my dad say words I'd never heard before. They worked night and day on that jeep every weekend for a whole summer then one day it was gone. Years later I found out that every gasket, hose, peice of cloth and anything else that could rot did. They never got the thing to run. Dad traded it to a guy at work for a Remington model 48 and a case of Hamms! I later got the Remington 48. It was my first Auto.

Ed L.
Hey Ed,

That was a great story. How many of those projects have we all done when nothing worked out as we had dreamed? At least you got something of value to remember story with.
