boating act 2007


New member
im a lurker here and because im not a good typer nor a good conversationalist i dont post. if this is considered spam forgive me! this got me thinking though. i have a 22' grady white and a devlin scaup. i love those boats but cant afford an $800 permit to pay for the water that washes through it, or over it when i take it out! please watch this video, call your reps, let your friends know. if you own a bbii or a small barnegat bay s/b or a tdb dont think you are exempt! if you are inland, dont think you are exempt! this effects all boaters, in all 50 states and territories whether its a 75' hatteras sport fisher or a 9' otter you are effected!
Have not heard about a new boating act. Please continue!

Take care,

Ed L.
Thanks Ben! I've forwarded this to everyone I know it will affect. Lord knows I don't have an extra $1600 laying around for permits for the 2 boats I own.

Take care,

Ed L.
My read on this is that Congress will act on this quickly and the President will sign it as soon as it get to his desk. Even if they don't pass it before the court date expires, EPA is not going to start making recreational boat owners start getting permits. Heck, they don't have enough staff as it is, let alone the staff to process permits for millions of 14' boats. Not only would it make no sense, it would be political suicide.
I would concentrate my political interest on other issues, like who in the world we're gonna elect president next time around and if a real choice will emerge before we have to cast our votes.
I would concentrate my political interest on other issues, like who in the world we're gonna elect president next time around and if a real choice will emerge before we have to cast our votes.

though i see where your coming from i wouldnt count my chickens before they hatch. a quick letter to your reps and your done. as far as the next election goes i think its very early and right now i can afford to send a letter to my rep being this will be voted on before the next pres. election. at least right now we know this bill is out there and will be voted on, we dont even know who the presidential nominees will be at this time.
I sent my letters in as the link suggested. No hesitation whatsoever. May even send duplicates every other day or so. While I haven't kept up with all the none happenings in DC lately, it does appear from what the media reports that nothing else but war crying is going on so we may have to wait for a while on this. Hope not.

Would this apply to even a canoe or piroque?

While this will probably get smoothed over nicely, it doesn't hurt for all or us little guys, the ones who vote, to raise some level of noise about it. I've seen first hand that the common guy can change the way the big guys do things. You know, the ones who think they run our world.
I sent my letters. I would rather say something rather then hope it doesn't get traded off for some other policy because no one voiced a dislike