Camoflaging an outboard?


Well-known member
I have a 2000 Johnson 15hp 2 stroke with a 15in shaft which I am going to put on the back of my duckboat. The motor is in great condition, so I really dont want to paint it. I am considering getting the removable adhesive backed vinyl from Cabelas in a camo pattern or making something out of burlap to go over the entire engine.

What have most of you guys done to camo you ourboards? Any advice or photos would be appreciated... thanks!
I painted mine, but I don't care what it looks like, and I'm never going to sell it.

If you want to keep it cosmetic for resale, you can buy a cloth cover, or just toss some camo burlap over the motor when you set up.

Here are some for sale at reasonable prices, but I've never seen them and can't vouch for their quality.
I painted my motor but made a cover for buddy. Just went to the fabric store bought some camo fabric and sewed it up. it ain't pretty but it works.
Some camo burlap (or old any old burlap sack) and a hot glue gun and you can have a fine motor cover in about 15 minutes. Just double over a piece wide & long enough to cover the motor, hot glue the top & about 12" little bit of the "open" side, and you are done. Mine lasted 6 years, current one is 3 years old. Cheap & easy.
I just used short pieces of camo duct tape and let it weather. The ends peel up and it looks good. Then just peel off the duct tape when you decide to keep it for real and paint it;-). I am going to make a gihlie suit for one of my motors to see how it works but haven't gotten to it yet.
Camo burlap is the easiest and just as effective as grassing or a motor cover. Cheap and quick, it has the added advantage of staying in place when windy if you just wet it.
I have one I bought that was too small for my motor, I'll look to see if it will fit you'res and get back to you, I can get it to you're uncle Rich


The motor is 10 years old. At the point where you sell it and buy a new one while it still has some value left, or paint it and keep it. I have a motor cover for my '99 Mariner and frankly, it's a pain in the butt, especially once the freeze comes. Can't afford a new Etech right now, or for the next 5 years with college costs starting in a year, so I'm probably going to just paint the darn thing.
I used the camo burlap and hot glue method. I also had some excess grass material that I attached to bungy cords with zip ties to use as needed. Went clamming with my dad today and the painting question came up, don't really want to paint the shiny brand new yamaha under there.... yet. One draw back is when the cover gets wet and freezes in a tight ball (because a buddy stuffed behind some decoys).Been a member for a while, this is my first post. Intro to come later


View attachment motor cover 2.jpg
When I bought my new motor, my friend encouraged me to paint it. IMO, you bought it to hunt, make it hunt. Worry about selling it later.

I used Rustoleum's Camoflauge colors. I started with khaki for a base, then went over it with green, and filled in with brown to darken it up a bit. Throw a little scrap of fast grass over it and it blends in nicely with the blind I put on for the the season.

View attachment Duckboatmotorpaint015resize.jpg

Whatever you decide, good luck!
I was able to buy a cowling cheap on ebay for my 15 hp; I painted it up and use burlap to cover the rest of the motor, works fine. I feel that I've got the concealment I need and haven't diminished the value of the motor.