Change is happening all over....

John Bourbon

Well-known member
Reading Eric's post about change got me to thinking about the changes coming in my life. At the end of this year I will retire from a job I've had for 35+ years and move onto the next, as yet undetermined phase of my life. I don't know what they will be, but I do know it will involve us taking a lap of America in the travel trailer we just bought and relocating to another state after that. As a result, I have to clear out some of the stuff I've accumulated over the years. That stuff will include decoys, guns, clothes, maybe a kayak, (not my Snowgoose), and who all knows what else. So, when you see me post items for sale, know that I'm not getting out of duck hunting, I'm just preparing to store less stuff while we're traveling.
John Bourbon
PS, with any luck I'll be able to meet some of you guys in our travels.
Exciting times John. Good luck with thinning the accumulated trappings of a life well lived. There is hardly a day goes by that I don't think about retiring. :)

Should you find yourself in Alberta, Canada I would be happy to play tour guide.
Just happy to hear you and the spouse agreed on the trailer.

Guessing it's direction will. Involve much "discussion" :)

Good blessings on your travels!
John - I wish you all the best and good luck with the downsizing. I began the process a year before retiring and moving. The amount of stuff that we accumulate by the time we are older is very impressive. Wait until you start digging through all the closets... I did that last, thinking it would be the easiest -WRONG!
My wife and I plan on keeping with far flung friends and family on line while we travel about. Including checking in here. Should we be anywhere near Alberta, you will be hearing from me!

Hi Rob. The trailer decision took 2 RV shows and 3 dealerships spread over about 18 months. In the end it boiled down to an interior we could live with that could be pulled by my F150. We absolutely fell in love with a 5th wheel, but that was going to necessitate a bigger truck and bigger payments and the start of retirement didn't make sense. Thanks for the good wishes.

John - Not to worry, they make dumpsters in every size. Seriously, once you decide what to keep, sell, trade and give away, you will get to the point of just wanting rid of stuff, ASAP.

A few years before my move a good friend told me. "Your never gonna be able to move. You'll have to stay here until ya die." I now know why he said that. I have already told my wife, never again. Before we move I'll sell most things at auction. Let the chips fall where they may.

I'm also lookin' into the RV route, but more as a place to get away for outdoor fun, not to haul all over creation. My road trip days pullin' any kind of trailer are over.
Great for you john! I knew you wouldn't part with that snow Goose too sweet! I will be looking forward to your gotta get otta here sale.

Best regards

Brining to mind the Yogi Berra quote "No one goes there anymore, it's always too crowded"....
Isn't it ironic that more hunting spots are being lost because the number of duck hunters is on the rise?
Paul, that is one of the great ironies of the universe. We all want to see DH thrive and see the traditions passed along, but doing so means putting up with things that may well irritate you....

A "gotta get outta here sale". I like the way that rolls off the tongue...I need to start thinking what will go into that pile....


My wife and I have been trying to minimize for several years, more aggressively more recently. We're not there yet, but have made large strides, which is a big deal as I come from multi-generations of pack-rats. It is rather freeing to get rid of the clutter. As much as we have in the past justified keeping thing that "you never know when you'l need a ____", we really haven't regretted getting rid of anything. We are a little way from retirement, but don't want to get hit with the "what do we do with all this crap we haven't used in years" when we are finally ready to do as we please.

Good luck wherever the future takes you!

Thank you Chuck for the good wishes. Thinking about multi generational pack rats, my parents have several large, solid cherry Williamsburg style furniture pieces they want to leave me when they pass. Whatever progress I make on getting rid of the stuff I have accumulated is at peril in the future.
