Couple of pictures for you guys.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
Man things have been busy around here! I haven't been out fishing nearly as much as I'd like to, but we have gotten out a few times and had some adventures. We just had some friends up from Rocky Mountain House AB so here's some pictures they took.

We went out trolling for lakers one night and Mac really wanted to come, but he powered out about 11:00. I'm sure a tug on his line would have woken him.


We went looking for Grayling one day and Mac was spottting them and flyfishing off this old bridge. The bugs were so bad though we couldn't stay.


Later that same evening we kayaked into this spot I'd "discovered" earlier this spring. It was thick with Grayling, but man did it rain on us. The weather has been menopausal (one minute too cold, then the next, too hot) for about a month. So we sat under cover for a while...


... and watched Mac fish in the rain.


When the rain let up we tried a bit and Michelle caught her first ever fish on a fly rod! Then about 2 doz more. She was pretty happy with herself.

Mac wanted to try casting for pike out of his little kayak so off he went. I wasn't far from him so I could help him out and it wasn't long until I saw him scooting sideways across the lake. He was a bit nervous but he landed 2 fat 28"ers which we bonked and a big over 30 that we let go. Sorry about the quality of the picture. It was about 11:30 at night by then.


Next time we go there I'm bringing a frying pan and a can of beans!

Scenery shot.


Today was my last day at school so I'm trying to get all my chores done so I can goof off the rest of the summer. I know it is not possible, but at least I can say I tried! Oh ya, and Mac turned 10 yesterday. Ten seems so old!

What a life that Mac leads.
On those days where I wish I could be a kid again, I don't want to just be A kid, I want to be THAT KID!

Happy Birthday Mac!
And I envy him!

Tell Mac Happy Birthday! My birthday wish for him is ,,,,,,,,,,, May he never have to move someplace else, only to discover just how good he had it growing up.
Great pictures Mike. Happy birthday Mac. Bet you've grown out of that JD hat already!

Take care.

Ed L.
do i have to say it over and over im gonna get there some day HAPPY BDAY MAC your a lucky fella to be up there living life on the only scale up there LARGE.keep the pics comin guys i just love them most are screen savers i hope you dont mind,they impress the hell out of vistiors,I say ya well i know that guy he lives way up north and has the life of riley hehehelmao
thanks as usual
I'll tell him Happy Birthday from you guys. We went shopping tonight to spend some of his birthday money and he had to chose between a new ball glove or a new fly rod (broke the tip off his old one). He chose the rod (tear). I was so proud! : )

He wears that JD hat all the time. The big kids are jealous.

Hey Shermie, you are welcome up here any time. Just bring me some bottled seal meat ok? And thanks for sending me those pictures of the driftwood horses. Do you mind if I post them here sometime? They were incredible.

ONly one month until sheep season.

your most welcome ,oh my now i gotta save for my retirement trip your a very bad man lol hell yes you can post them have you seen the ones of the working cars all carved of wood friends send them via email and i pass them along to the right friends who would realy apreciate a work of art.

some day some one will call you in the middle of the nite and say hey mike i found this fellow he says he knows you ,he got a funny accent sometimes,and hes got a bottled of some gawd awefull stuff it is black as the ace of spades...I brought him in before the bears found him.

does he have a blue nose yup i know him

No no, he's going to get it. I took it to a guy to get a sheath made and I'll pick it up this weekend. Mac will be so surprised. I told him it is something he can take sheep hunting this year. He is going to love it!

As usual Mike, you and the family are having way too much fun. Great pic's and tell Mac Happy Birthday for me. 10 years old and Mac has done more hunting and fishing (in Paradise!) than most 20 year olds!

You go right ahead and spoil him and yourself....ya both deserve it, those are long winters up there and every minute of te summers count.

BTW Thanks again, everybody loves your 1/2 bluebill decoy. I tell everyone that I could not pass up the deal I got on it.........the price was more than 1/2 off! :^)
