Since these are posted on here I’ll assume (and you know what that does!) you want some comments. For some first birds, even with a little help, these are nice mounts and the overall anatomy looks pretty good!! First impression on the brant, I like the neck bend but the wings appear to be too far back/down the body. From what I can tell your wire insertion is at the right location but the first bend continues along the body too long before being bent out. With the “shoulder” in that position the leading edge of the primaries would not normally be in the same line as the leading edge of the wing. Bend the “wrist” a bit and bring the leading edge of the primary back just a bit. Pin the tail and inject the feet (wear goggles when you do that!!! Speaking from experience) I like the can better than the brant and, once again the neck bend looks nice. Try taping the webbing on the feet to really open those things up (they look a bit crispy from freezer burning so it might not be an option). Make sure he wraps them in wet paper towels before they go into the freezer from now on. Once again bending the “shoulder” a little forward and the “wrist” back just a bit will add to the angular look and give the impression of speed. Tuck the “ankle” feather up into the body so he doesn’t look like he’s wearing bloomers. (Sutton, Parks and Harker will know what those are)hehehehehe