Flotation calculation question

Take galvanized 1/2" carriage bolts or threaded rod and bore through the 2x, foam and bottom 2x and bolt it all together..3 per side. I just figured that you will have 294lbs of floatation on each side..buy another sheet and you'll have 440lbs per piece.
I figured if it doesn't let poop out, it won't let water in....

We used it on the house, but only 4". I recall it being pricey, but then again, you don't want any poop leaks, if you know what I mean.


It's funny how every year we go though the same thing..."how can I do it quicker, better, easier and less expensive" You design and plan and build and it comes down to the same thing every year. I get to waterfowl hunt from October 26th until my little 6" of water is frozen stiff around Thanksgiving! That's 4 or 5 weekends! I wish they'd just eliminate the blind system here on the river and just let us hunt from our boats. But that's duck hunting in my part of the world. This will be my 42'd year and I still get just as excited today with all my dreams and schemes as I did when I was 10 years old. I hope that continues for a few more seasons! I think I've decided to build the Harker way using the styrofoam sandwiched between 2x4's and screwed together with 10" screws that are used in log home building. But of course I'm always open to suggestions.

Ed L.