Hey Dave

Joe O

Well-known member
I just got off the phone with my Grandson and he was telling me about a Auto cocking revolver that he saw on tales of the gun.
Seems this weapon had a blow back barrel and cylinder that rotated while cocking the hammer for the next shot,single action.HaVE YOU EVER COME ACROSS ANY INFO ON
Holiday Inn Express last night...

Sounds like the Webley Automatic Revolver.....real early 1900's....(8) shots.... if memory serves..

turns out that you've actually heard it mentioned before, in the movies...

Think about the scene where the Policeman asks Rick if he knows anything about an "odd looking gun" that was just used to kill his partner...Bogey replies:
"Yes. Webley-Fosbery automatic-revolver. Thirty-eight, eight shot. They don't make them anymore," Now how cool is that? Steve
Thanks Dave and Steve.I don't know how you come up with all this info,but I'm glad to have your knowledge on hand.
I know why I may have overlooked the gun,because I was never interested in the make.Butt ugly is an understatement.
the gun came in both .455 and .38.....

I didn't actually see the gun that the Policeman was holding but that indicates Bogey might well have been correct.....

Gotta stick up for the old boy donchaknow......"WHO ATE MY STRAWBERRIES"!!!!

"Mister Roberts"Jack lemon,Cagney,strawberries.I'm not much on movie trivia,about one click above Paint Ball.You
are probably right about "Caine Mutainy",so Mister Roberts was a take-off on that flick.
The "strawberries" were Bogart in The Caine Mutiny", Cagny was the mean, petty captain in Mr. Roberts with Henry Fonda and a young Jack Lemmon. Both were really great movies but Mr. Roberts had a little comedy in it while the Caine Mutiny was pure drama. In my prior life as a boat captain I had a young Navy Lt. on board and I brought up the Caine Mutiny as I had just read it. He said that they studied the storm scene in the movie and analyized it in a class at Annapolis. The teachers point out that though Capt. Queeg is totally incompetant, the officers action of relieving the Capt. was against Naval law.