Man vs. Reality NDR


Well-known member
Well the biggest shock to ever hit the world of TV has just occurred. (read much sarcasm in that phrase)

Man vs Wild is about the only show on Discovery that I will turn away from as soon as it comes on. I hate the show with a passion and finally the media is looking into it and finding him to be a fraud. Click here
Discovery says there are only a few incidents and the show will be transparent from now on but that is impossible. The last complete show I watched had at least 3 and maybe 5 fake scenes. How long will it last when they starting flashing 'DRAMATIZATION' every five minutes. And for them to say they didn't know is a flat out lie. His forum on Discovery is full of examples being pointed out, he even admitted to a couple. In the very first show he did he has a life jacket on under his coat while floating down the river.

Yeah I'm sure someone will say "who cares it's TV, this isn't duck related." Well you should have stopped reading after the first line then. ;-) But it might surprise you how many teenage boys think this guy is real. They believe what he shows is how to act if you get lost. They believe you can eat and drink the things he shows. They like how he climbs and takes chances. He is going to kill someone if he hasn't already. For Discovery to show him as real is dangerous. We have enough stupid things like Jack Ass for them to get killed emulating we don't need more, and for sure not one on a respected science network.

I mean, Zumbo got his show back, and Marty Stouffer is still showing, "shot in the wild" five minute closeup chases of large predators running down prey, qnd the Nuge is still hyping "Fair Chase" while shooting Deer with corn dribbling of their mouths......

You're actually worried that Discoverry should be more cognizant about how kids will act after watching a show....excuse me but wasn't that idiot Steve Irwin one of their Crown Princes?

You weren't really expecting "intelligent" life from the tube were you?

I've been saying it since the first time I saw that stupid show........its about as real as pro wrestling.

Steve - Are you saying the Nuge hunts farm raised deer that eat from feeders......noooooo say it ain't so...... (dang, I can't anything to argue about.....what a shame - LOL)
Best thing we did when we built the new place it to build where there is no TV reception, no cable availabe and too many tall trees for satelite TV.

Going on 4 yrs mostly TV free and life couldn't be better.

Every time I visit my parents and watch the drivel most of the channels show I thank my lucky stars. Sure, sometimes I miss the History Channel, some of the nature Channels and sports, but overall it is no great loss. I have way too much other stuff to do anyways.

Kill your TV!!!

I always hoped he wouldn't survive and they would find his gps in his pocket with the battery dead. Not really, Would make a good ending to the show. or oops eat the wrong berry and the heli couldn't get to him in time.

I think the subject would be a good show but that one doesn't make it.
Yep Wispete, I agree with you about the dead GPS in his pocket. And how about a cell phone with no charge? I think this guy and lots of other so called outdoorsmen would just curl up in a fetal position and give up without their electronic umbilical cords. And while I'm ranting, I used to give Ted Nugent the benefit of the doubt until I read one of his self promoting articles about a canned hog hunt on his fenced hunting operation....and he will sell you one of those hunts. But I still think his song "Little Miss Dangerous" rocks.
OK, you got me on Steve Irwin. The only thing that surprised me about his 'untimely' death was that it wasn't a croc or a snake. But to be fair I hated him too.
Yeah 75% of hunting shows are fake, set up shots are stupid and so easily spotted I don't know why they are put in. Have I ever told you I like The Truth. hehehe I guess I haven't noticed Uncle Ted claiming anything he does is fair chase as he fills up the feeders. I know he says there is nothing wrong with it but I haven't heard him say "fair chase". That is about the only reason I rarely watch him.

What bugs me about Bear and his show is that it is presented as a guide on how to survive situations that a few people do find themselves in each year. This show just bothers me more then most because of the danger he poses. He actually states "This is how I would survive", no it's not. Discovery is no different then any other network, rating rule, but if they are going to pass themselves off as an honest science based network they deserve to be slammed when it can be proven otherwise. Some reality shows are clearly fake like the OCC chopper guys but I don't think teenagers are going to base their future business plans on a bunch of over acting bike builders. It is only important because of the subject matter. If a hunting show staged scenes that showed unsafe gun handling I would be upset with them also. btw That Jackie Bushman show comes close.

I watched Manvs.Wild the other night...when he filled his canteen from a little babling brook in the jungle....I thought "what a dumbass" Hell, I just wet my lips from a babling little brook in Montana once and lost 32 lbs over the next week! I was relieved to see him in camp that night puking his guts out. Granted, if you are in a do or die situation you have to do whatever you can to survive but as fast as he can make a fire by rubbing two sticks together he sure could wait for water to boil so it killed MOST of the nasties in it. I wonder how tough it is to survive with a cameraman along?? Thank God I get The Western Channel so I can watch Randolph Scott or John Wayne instead of being stuck with the 47 channels of "Reality" crap.
Is anyone going to say Survivorman is fake too? I don't watch much TV but do enjoy Survivorman and Dirty Jobs. About the only show I make an effort to catch is HBO's Entourage which has some great comedic writing and dialog.
My favorites, in order:

Deadliest Catch
FutureWeapons (not sure where it went)
Dirty Jobs
Tiger Baseball

I just don't watch anything else if the TV is on...Lisa takes care of the network watching on the other TV
irwin seperated himself from the others... by having an ultra sexy wife. man dem big ole thighs of hers crank my tractor. defiently a WILF. widows Id like to, welp, you know.

nugent is better than jimmy houston. at least he can play the guitar.

dogfights is the best show on tv. period.

i still watch law and order. all of them. svu is my favorite. benson makes me hot. stabler makes the wife hot. its like porn you can watch in front of the kids.

whut about the gay guy who loves bears? thats the worst deal. glad he ended up a pile of bear crap.

bring back car-poc-olysp. thats reailty tv show that rocks. rednecks, alchol, yard art, and racing all in one. chicks can't get into the track without showing their tramp stap. the bikini racer. fordzilla the crowd thriller... school bus chain racing, towing boats on a figure 8 track, large applicane racing. gordon would wet his pants if he had to do half the crap they did every week.

for the life of me I cant see why anyone would want to watch washed up stars dance, sing, or judge other people dancing and singing.

survivor has sucked since the gay guy won. travis
I like Survivorman too. Survivorman is too slow for the teen and 20's audience Bear appeals to. The fact is surviving being lost is lonely and dull for the most part. Floating 15 miles down a river fed by mountain runoff is more exciting but not realistic.
I have never seen anyone question Survivorman, I think that is mostly because he shows the whole process. When he was pulled to safer waters in the life raft the showed it and said up front what happened. I doubt he has ever spent a night in a hotel while shooting an episode.

ice road truckers... yeah it was cool for like a show. but really, how much frozen crap and trucks falling thru the ice can you watch?

deadlist catch... those guys are gonna screw themselves outta a job. folks will be linging up to do that for freee, so trhey can get on tv. make a 25,000 cash prize for the winner, deadlist catch survivor... 25 grand is cheaper than paying a whole crew. travis
"dogfights is the best show on tv. period."

I've only seen a couple episodes but it is high on my list. They make me feel like crap though on how bad I did with that F-16 flight simulator program.

Most of the folks I've talked to that did the Alaska "Deadliest Catch" thing ended up working in fish processing and canning facilities. Carpal Tunnel or slipping on fish slime is the extent of their occupational hazards. The show makes the Alaska fishing industry look adventuresome the reality is there are limited slots on those boats so most end up in the fish processing industry. I doubt the Diiscovery Channel is going to start a show called "Deadliest Slime Line." Dirty Jobs has that covered anyway.
Travis, tragically, Tim Treadwell did not get his "last wish" granted and end up as a pile of bear crap. The bear was killed before it was able to poop out its most recent meal. Timmy was reality, there was nothing staged in his filming which is why he ended up dead. If only there was a motel 6 in Lake Clark National Park he and Amy would still be alive.

I like watching some of the Gryls Man vs Wild shows just because he does stuff that will get the average person killed. The down climbing in the Serrias was about the stupidest thing I have ever seen. What he did could only have been survived if he had scouted the route down from below. In that same show it was also appearent that the horses were not mustangs. They were well groomed and approached a human, so not wild. The rabbit stick was pretty cool, but I don't understand why they have showed him sucking blood from other animals, but not the rabbit, even though in the scene right after that his shirt is blood soaked. Tearing the head off of a turtle and a fish and drinking the blood is OK, but bunnies are too cute so don't show that. Besides bunnies in the summer are major desease carriers so I wouldn't be eating one unless it is well done.

The one thing that Gryls does that really gets me is that he mentions in nearly every show that he is not very patient and then does a bunch of stupid inpatient crap that will get Joe Average killed. All survival guides say that patience is very important to your survival. That is the worst example ever, and makes it clear that his show isn't real.

Think of the evolutionary advantage this "anti" knowledge gives a young person. If they are smart enough to know that it is BS then they will stay alive if they ever find themselves in a really stupid situation. If they think that Gryls is "real" and follow his lead then there will be more pie for the rest of us.