Here are some oldies I found.
Laying up the chine fillets. Notice the different widths of biax neatly placed and the peel ply ready to create the nearly perfect already fair high glass to resin layup.
You asked about the blind trunks you saw on some other photos. Here are the bow trunks before decking. They are wooden boxes with drains and lined with an FRP square tube for slickness and abrasion resistance. These drain into the bilge.
Rear blind trunks before deck and insertion of the FRP liner. These drain into the bilge via a tube going from the flotation compartment under the splashwell. Notice the channel that I've cunningly (

) placed at the front of that compartment to allow fuel lines or wiring to go from the bow to under the side decks to the stern under the splash well. This really cleans up the rigging. I have these on both sides.
Here is a nice shot of the stern without decks. Gives a nice look at everything. Notice the drain plug in both this pic and above. It is drilled so that the bottom INSIDE diameter of the tube is below the hull bottom. This hull drains to the last drop. The hole was drilled oversize, sealed several times and then the tube 5200ed in. You can't crimp the inside to make it look nice if the tube is that low, but form should follow function.
Here is a shot of the blind stakes in the trunks. There are pictures here of the blind, somewhere. I haven't found them on my computer.
Here is a fun bonus shot of something I thought was neat and fun and satisfied my goal of the rigging being as absolutely clean as possible. I cut a hole in the hull and then built up a thick layer of glass inside to replace the missing wood and imbedded my depth finder transducer in epoxy in a well I built in the bilge on top of the cutout. This allowed the transducer to shoot through the hull and really cleaned things up. This has worked well and I've gone through 2 depth finder heads and am on the original transducer. I built it so that I could knock the transducer out for replacement, but haven't had to. For the next go around, I'll be adding some sort of forward or side scanning transducer, so this will probably go unused.
Last point for these pics is since there are a lot of flotation compartments shown and since I haven't seen it said here in the discussion of flotation... Most of us here are thinking that poured in foam is more trouble than it is worth and loose foam blocks are probably better. I had purchased my foam and couldn't return, but didn't want to pour it in, so I expanded it in cardboard boxes and then cut it into bricks on the bandsaw. To do it again, I'd scavenge dock flotation blocks along the coast and cut those up into uniform bricks.
Holler with any questions...