Well-known member
I was starting to believe that there was nothing to the OSHA scare but this proposal is full of BS. They sure make a lot of new proposals for just changing jurisdiction.
When you read these few excerpts remember that ammunition will be considered an explosive after this.
"Proposed paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(C) would require the employer to
ensure that no person carries firearms, ammunition, or similar articles
in facilities containing explosives or blast sites except as required
for work duties. This proposed requirement is different from the
existing requirements which prohibit firearms within 50 feet of storage
magazines and blasting agent mixing plants. The proposed requirement
would prohibit firearms at facilities containing explosives and at
blast sites. In addition, as recommended by the Petition (Ex. 2-1), the
proposed requirement would prohibit ammunition and similar articles
along with firearms. The requirement would allow firearms, ammunition,
or similar articles to be carried by guards as needed to perform their
work duties.
(iii) Explosives are not transferred from one vehicle to another
without informing local fire and police departments.
C) Except under emergency conditions, no vehicle containing
explosives is parked before reaching its destination on any public
street adjacent to or in close proximity to any place of employment"
Yep, I'm pretty sure this is going to stop all of the major shipping companies from touching anything ammo related. And just how do gun shops and shooting ranges continue to operate?
Even if UPS still wants to ship ammo and powder they will have to completely cover the insides of their truck to make them comply to all the non spark proposals I didn't post above. You really think they are going to do that?
I'm sure I'm just a gun whacko who sees threats in everything. Must be all those years of listening to talk radio and Fox News. Well if you can tell me how anyone is going to get a common carrier shipment of powder or ammo with those last two paragraphs I copied I'd like to know. There are even more restrictions on gun shops and what they can display and how far apart each item needs to be from each other that I didn't copy. I'm sending a few emails in the morning.
When you read these few excerpts remember that ammunition will be considered an explosive after this.
"Proposed paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(C) would require the employer to
ensure that no person carries firearms, ammunition, or similar articles
in facilities containing explosives or blast sites except as required
for work duties. This proposed requirement is different from the
existing requirements which prohibit firearms within 50 feet of storage
magazines and blasting agent mixing plants. The proposed requirement
would prohibit firearms at facilities containing explosives and at
blast sites. In addition, as recommended by the Petition (Ex. 2-1), the
proposed requirement would prohibit ammunition and similar articles
along with firearms. The requirement would allow firearms, ammunition,
or similar articles to be carried by guards as needed to perform their
work duties.
(iii) Explosives are not transferred from one vehicle to another
without informing local fire and police departments.
C) Except under emergency conditions, no vehicle containing
explosives is parked before reaching its destination on any public
street adjacent to or in close proximity to any place of employment"
Yep, I'm pretty sure this is going to stop all of the major shipping companies from touching anything ammo related. And just how do gun shops and shooting ranges continue to operate?
Even if UPS still wants to ship ammo and powder they will have to completely cover the insides of their truck to make them comply to all the non spark proposals I didn't post above. You really think they are going to do that?
I'm sure I'm just a gun whacko who sees threats in everything. Must be all those years of listening to talk radio and Fox News. Well if you can tell me how anyone is going to get a common carrier shipment of powder or ammo with those last two paragraphs I copied I'd like to know. There are even more restrictions on gun shops and what they can display and how far apart each item needs to be from each other that I didn't copy. I'm sending a few emails in the morning.