Pettit vs Parkers vs FME

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
Need to get some paint. What seperates these paints? I had used Parkers years ago on a wood/glass boat I had. It held up fine. In spray cans on an aluminum canoe that I only washed to "prep" not so good, but I just sprayed more on each year. I want to use a brush/roller on the BBSB. The outside will be all glass/epoxy, the interior will be just the oak, cedar and mahogany. Lou being a sponsor, leans me in that direction, but Pettit I can get local, and Cabela's is close too, so with the shipping and the price per gallon, there is a significant cost difference. Is there a performance difference?

Thanks, Dave
I can't tell you the differences between the three paints that you listed but I can tell you that I painted my 17' G3 aluminum deep-v with FME from Lock Stock & Barrel (Lou Tisch) and I couldn't be happier.
The paint is very durable and very flat and the advice and guidance from Lou were invaluable.
I've never used anything but FME on a boat so I can't say on the other two. I can't see myself every trying anything else. Wears like iron!
The only paint I have used in any quantity other than a local brand I bought back in 1997 to paint my first boat has been FME.
If it sticks to carrylight and flamboob decoys that were barely prepped & half dirty, it damn sure will hold up great on a properly prepared hull.
I have used Parkers and would consider it as a sacrificial/maintenance paint only. It's something to put on for protection but has not held up well for me. I would go with the FME but have had no first hand experience with it.

Need to get some paint. What seperates these paints? I had used Parkers years ago on a wood/glass boat I had. It held up fine. In spray cans on an aluminum canoe that I only washed to "prep" not so good, but I just sprayed more on each year. I want to use a brush/roller on the BBSB. The outside will be all glass/epoxy, the interior will be just the oak, cedar and mahogany. Lou being a sponsor, leans me in that direction, but Pettit I can get local, and Cabela's is close too, so with the shipping and the price per gallon, there is a significant cost difference. Is there a performance difference?

Thanks, Dave

Pettit is less flat than Parker and FME and I think it is tougher. Pettit can tend to have a bit of shine, on some boats, but I think that may have to do with the application, all flat paints can be made shiny if overworked or not the right thickness. Both FME and Parker are somewhat chalky and very flat, that is what I like in a duckboat. In my opinion a duckboat should be dead flat with chalky duck boat paint. Something Steve said years ago and I've come to agree is that a "real" wood duckboat should have lots of blotches of differently aged paint from annual touchups, they look just great that way.

Having said that, I have used both FME and Parker and I use Parker over FME, not because FME is not good paint, but I can get Parker locally, I like the colors better, Parker is a classic paint, and I like the smell better.

A side note... if Lou is a "Sponsor" he better get Eric to update his profile.

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I'd second the FME over Parker's. I painted the BBII first in FME and then redid the deck in parkers when I did some rehab on the boat. The parkers has not held up at all. The FME, first done 8 years ago, is rock solid. couldn't beat it off with the stick. So good in fact that I'm thinking (thinking) of sanding down the deck an repainting in FME. It's awesome stuff.
I am convinced... the feedback here has convinced me to use the FME, and have emailed Lou to see about getting a couple small samples of the DDG and DGB. I can 't decide from the PDF on his site or the pictures others have posted. The color I have in my mind is more brown than green, kind of a baby sh__ color.... Until I see it in person, in real lighting, I am afraid to guess. But I really appreciate all the feedback, you saved me time and money!


I have used all the aforementioned, except Pettit, plus Interlux, and the best I've found by far is two part automotive paint (Linco brand) matached to the color of my choice with flattener added. Parkers is a great all round paint as is FME. I first used Interlux on my BBII and was really dissappointed with it's durability. Turns out it takes about 2 years to really cure and now has proven to be the most durable of the single pack paints I've used. Probelm is I don't typically have two years to wait for a hard cure. The Linco on the other hand dries to the touch in about an hour and cures in about a day. I know comparing two-part paints to alkyds isn't really fair but the point I'm making is you might want to give it a try given its superior sprayability and durability. I hate painting and prefer to use a paint that goes as long as possible and the Linco two part is it for me.

Dave, I think the color you want is FME #26. I just purchased some, and it fits your description. Though I prefer to see it as a perfect match for the wet sand in a local trout stream I fish (and hunt).
I used a paint made by Valspar that is sold at a local hardware store. Here is what it looked like on my boat. It has held very well through a couple of duck and fishing seasons and it has not been treated gently during that time. It is chalky and faded some now, but not peeling and only scratched off in places of high abuse. I spent less than $55.00 on paint for the boat.

If you want the ultimate in boat paints, use Awlgrip. You can get it in flat colors, although I have heard it does not have the same resilience as the typical Awlgrip. It will still be tougher than most.
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I belive that pettit and FME are the same paint and you can save the shipping by getting pettit from your local automotive supply.
I belive that pettit and FME are the same paint and you can save the shipping by getting pettit from your local automotive supply.

Actually, that's an incorrect assessment. Our FME is made by a local factory for us.....definitely NOT the same as pettit. ;) I've used pettit myself and still prefer FME....but then again, I'm a bit biased.
I have used Pettit and parker the Pettit is by far the better paint it Goes on smooth wears like Iron.
A gallon of parker is cheaper that a quart of pettit.
I have grass boats so most of the paint is covered with grass.
I used Petit on my old starcraft deep v, and switched to FME when I redid the Broadbill, so my comparison is not apples to apples - the starcraft being aluminum and broadbill glass/epoxy. I'm happy with FME and Lou was a pleasure to speak with. That in itself is more than enough reason for me to stay with FME. In my area, Petit was $27/qt and still had to be ordered . As I recall, FME was more cost effective. The boat will have a blind and be grassed up, but I went with #31, Dead grass brown, to stay in line with our bank edges and wonderful mud flats.
Good Luck.
When I first started looking at the prices.... and saw Parker's at Cabela's for $40/gal, I assumed the West Marine price for the Pettit was for a gallon too! How wrong I was..... $40 a quart! So the FME prices is very good.

Got some FME samples the other day, and was able to get a resonable match to the DDG at the powdercoaters. Have my handles, chocks, and bow eye there to get coated.... 10 pieces in total, for $50. Might have shopped it cheaper, but they are local and have done work for my motorcycles in the past and do good work. Should have them back later this week.
