Robert's (Travelling Decoy) first outing of 2018

Mark W

Well-known member
Friday 9/28/18. Got up early to start packing for the WI duck opener. Plan was to leave by 8:30 for the 90 minute or so drive to Chetek Wisconsin. As all plans go, didn't really leave until 10:00 with all the last minute delays and some last minute grocery shopping needed to get done. At 10:00. the Jeep was packed and ready to go. Robert was anxious as can be and excited to be leaving on his first outing of the year. He parked himself on the front dash in eager anticipation of the road trip ahead.

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A couple years back my wife and I purchased a lake place in Chetek Wisconsin. As it was going to be Robert's first hunt, it was going to be the first time I hunted from our place. I had done quite a bit of scouting this past summer and identified 6-7 spots that looked to be ducky. Also spoke with many old timers around the area as to best places to hunt, quantity of hunters we might encounter, name and contact info for the local dnr office and so on. Trip was set and in 90 minutes or so, we would be at our place in WI.

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Met up with an old high school friend of mine mid afternoon Friday. Immediately set about getting the hunting stuff together and launching the duck boat. While there are many landings on this chain of lakes, the main ones close by aren't quite spots I would choose to launch any boats as they are very steep and many motors and trailers get dinged at these ramps. Took the boat to a lake entry spot near the cabin and as luck would have it, the boat launched right from there quite easily. Was a short 300 yard motor over to our dock. As further luck would have it, one of our lifts was vacant and the duckboat happened to just barely fit. Lot's better being on the lift verses on a mooring anchor.

Friday night was soon upon us and it was time to eat. Was a tough decision on hitting the local fish fry (for those from WI you know what I mean, for those not from the area, every small town in WI has a fish fry on Friday evenings. Each town, and each bar in town, all claim to have the best fish around). Went to a local haunt that has become my wife's and my favorite spot and weren't disappointed. Robert made the trip and while he likes fish, one of us forgot to bring him into the bar. No fish for Robert and no pic's.

After dinner, it wasn't time to call it an evening. Headed over to another local haunt that had our favorite video game - Golden Tee. Robert cozied right up t the screen and enjoyed watching the golf match unfold. I lost the only game played and owed my competitor $5.

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While at the bar, Robert created quite the stir and had many fans coming over to learn more about him. The tradition of the travelling decoy was told many times and all who listened appreciated the tradition and the group of folks who make it all happen. One young lady, the bartender, took a fancy to Robert and hinted at taking him home for the evening. She couldn't promise to get him home in time for the opener so we had to tell Robert he would have to come back another time.

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As Robert was disappointed he could be alone with his new found friend, we did promise him others back at the cabin that he may find some happiness. Got home and got a fire going. Didn't take too long before one of Robert's feathered friends cozied on up alongside. As the lights went down, the two were still roosting on the hearth. Guess what happens at the cabin stay at the cabin.

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Got up on 9/29 early and headed on down to the dock. Got loaded up and set up across the lake to spot #1 on the list. As we rounded the bend we were hit with a barrage of spotlights. Guess we weren't welcome in this spot. This after being assured from the locals that very few hunt this particular lake. Off to spot #2 which ended with the same results. Spot #3 was a tiny island not even 300 yards from our cabin. I was reluctant to hunt there as I had only had conversations with a couple of the neighbors saying I would be hunting close to their places on the lake. I was legal but I didn't want anyone near us to be rudely awakened by gunshots that we close. Plus this place was in a secluded bay and I knew the shots would just reverberate forever. Of well, didn't have much choice as it was less than 20 minutes till show time.

Placed Robert in between to groups of ducks. Had him right out front of the boat and in the shooting lane. He didn't fit with the other plastic decoys I have and placing him in the honor position only seemed like the right thing to do. Robert did his job dutifully and was very dignified floating in his designated spot. He served well and we were rewarded with a bag of mallards, wood ducks, teal, and a goose. Here is Robert off on his own floating happily.

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After the hunt, a few naps were taken and it was time for dinner. Since it was fish on Friday, it was natural that pizza was on the menu for Saturday. Best pizza in town is a place called Caddyshack. It is located next to a tiny, small town 9 hole golf coarse - thus the name. Lots of stories surround this place and the one that gets the most play is the owner stealing another local pizza joints recipe and making it his own. I'm sure it is all folklore and all but makes for interesting story telling.. As you can tell by the picture below, this small town pizza places does quite the business considering this town is basically a summer tourist town. 18,611 pizzas made to date. Owner says they will have no problem beating last years record.

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Was going to be an early night as the day had already been long, back to the cabin we went. It was rather chilly that evening, and Robert thought a nice sauna, with some other friends he made at the cabin was in order. Followed by a quick drink and it was off to bed. I think about half the quantity of alcohol was consumed on Saturday compared to a whole day of libations on Friday. SAturday hunting was a tough go but Sunday we were determined to feel a little more normal.

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Sunday, same routine. Get up, get loaded, set out to get a spot to hunt. We followed the same routine as on Saturday and had similar results. Both places we went to had hunters already in them. Settled for the same island hunted on Saturday. Hunting was slower on Sunday but we still managed to bag an equal number of ducks and geese as on Saturday. Took a little while longer but we were feeling much better this morning compared to the day prior, the weather was better, and there was not a hurry bone in the body to be found anywhere. Robert occupied the same spot he did previously - out front and in the middle. Did his job well.

Overall another successful hunt. Good times, had by good folks making memories to be told many years into the future. Robert got a weeks worth of rest and then he is back to the cabin this coming weekend. Hopefully this weekend some of the other spots scouted will be hunter free. Wish us luck.

Originally I thought that when I die I wanted to come back as a Retriever but, after seeing this I want to come back as a decoy now. LOL
Looks like a nice time. Congrats and best of luck to you this hunting season.
Good morning, Mark~

Great tale well-told! And Chris' Broadie-beak looks sweet on the water - and everywhere else!

All the best,


I think I know that spot.


Don't the locals refer to it as "popcorn bay"?
Huntindave McCann said:
I think I know that spot.


Don't the locals refer to it as "popcorn bay"?

Not anymore. Now it's "Robert's Roost". "Bob's Bay" to his friends.
Huntindave McCann said:
I think I know that spot.

Don't the locals refer to it as "popcorn bay"?

Called that in honor of the old farts that water swat mallet I presume?
I think you might be a bit jealous that I am out right now swatting them down from the sky, while you are at work. Bet your boss wishes you were actually working.
PS. 2 Woodies and a goose so far this morning.
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