Sage grouse seasons and states...

tod osier

Well-known member
I know Sage Grouse numbers are in decline and seasons are getting shorter (I think some states even have a lottery system). I am in the scheming stage of planning a trip for '08 and would like to try for these birds...

Anyone have any input on what states are the best options for a freelancer in terms of access, bird numbers and season length?

Tod, I'm pretty sure Montana has some zones that are open. I didn't check but I know a few people that shot them the past couple years there. I see them in E. Wyoming as well...if they have an open seasons I think it'd be relatively easy to find some but like pronghorn...getting to them would be the difficult part. You'd have to hide behind a missile silo and wait for them to fly over. That'd be a trip!
Thanks Jay, the trip is a couple years out and I have some learning to do.

We are planning a cross county trip across the northern tier to the SW and back, probably tow a travel trailer. Tote a couple shotguns, a rifle and some rods. Should be a blast, Jen, Gus, Pete and I.

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South Dakota only has a two day season.
It's a small area that is open but it is all public land. Not a lot get shot but not a lot of hunters go after them.

The only real reason to hunt sage grouse in SD is if you also what other prairie grouse. About 100-150 miles to the east south east of the sage grouse area is one of the few areas you can be almost sure to get a chance at both prairie chickens and sharptails together. There is a fair amount of public land and usually a good amount of walk in areas in that part of the state. Lots of walking...and snakes.

I saw that they were available in SD again. That is what I'm trying to figure out a reasonible set of stops to give a chance without buying a liscence/learning regs in a bunch of differnet states.

I haven't really looked into the whole thing, but started with sage grouse being the most difficult on the list of things I'd like to try for. I hadn't been considering SD at all. I'll check out the links.

Long seasons, 4 birds a day limit and lots of them all over the eastern part of the State. I will email you with all the info and where we found them. I did not shoot any last October because I still have some in my freezer from hunts here in Oregon. To me even the young ones are not very good tasting. If you want to know what their meat tastes like, just pop a few sage brush leaves in your mouth and chew them up.

They are a fun bird to hunt and you will be surprised at their size when you shoot an adult male Sage Grouse.....they are huge. You will also be surprised how damn fast they are when they get up. I love 'em.

Actually it's a good thing that they don't taste good....otherwise they would have been shot out years ago. All they eat is sage and that's exactly what they taste like.

We have a drawing here in Oregon for them and I'll probably put in for our week long season for the 2 birds per season limit.

There numbers are declining in some States mostly due to habitat loss I think. Montana is the only place we see then run over in the road on a regular basis. I drove by flock after flock of them last October in my travels.

Look for an emai from me, if you have one listed here on the forum registration Tod.

Hey Paul, I saw that CA had a drawing and a short season. From, that I was guessing that the numbers were less than great (but you never know).

I was looking at your website a couple months back, I was suprised you were guiding. How is that going? I think I'd have a hard time not pissing off the clients (but then again I don't think I made a single student cry all last year, so maybe I'm softening).

Hey Dave,

I was guessing MT may be the ticket, it looks like they have pretty much everyting you could want as far as upland (and big game not to mention).

I've read that the sage grouse don't exactaly shine on the table, I'm not too picky I would be happy with a single cockbird (don't have to eat as much either). From everything I've read, they sound like awesome birds.

I will look for an email from you, THanks a bunch.

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Hey Paul, I saw that CA had a drawing and a short season. From, that I was guessing that the numbers were less than great (but you never know).

I was looking at your website a couple months back, I was suprised you were guiding. How is that going? I think I'd have a hard time not pissing off the clients (but then again I don't think I made a single student cry all last year, so maybe I'm softening).


A drawing and short seasons, but if you put forth minimal effort, you will be rewarded. I happen to know a lot of CDF fire guys that live/work up in the area so I will more or less be directed straight to the birds if I get drawn.

Guiding is good... I got Bill's boat almost retrofitted how I want it (and the paper wasps seem to like my work). They are closing down pretty much the only ramp available for the area we brant hunt, so that should be fun launching from the beach 8 or 9 miles south of what was a short boat ride. And the whole scaup debacle will be interesting (the scoters and goldies will feel the wrath of that)... We had a couple interesting groups with us last season, nothing I'd like to talk about here though!! hehehe

Didn't make anyone cry, you must be getting soft...
FIRST, you should be aware that Sage Grouse are a stupid, ugly, relict species that are so dumb that they "refuse" to evolve to the point where they can survive in their altered habitat as it exists today and, as such, they should be allowed to "go extinct" rather than continuing to expend millions of dollars in perserving their very specific habitat, (which is all but worthless for any other use), as we do today. Just like the Condor, (other than the lack of a "nut sack" for a head), they are far more trouble than they are worth and their loss would make the "rape" of the remaining HIGH STEPPE deserts of the West far less difficult for those who see the $$$$$ signs instead of vistas, that are, as we all know, the "true" worth of any habitat......Plus if you didn't have all that nasty old sage and replaced it with Oil rigs and housing complexes it would be easier to take our guns which, we also know, is the reason for all legislation, either directly, or indirectly.

SECOND, at the risk of aggravating my buddy Dave by disputing his "they don't eat well" comments on Sage Grouse, I'm going to tell you that, IMO, thats as wrong as the comments that East Coast Brant, and all Sea Ducks, including Goldeneye's, aren't fit to eat. Sage Grouse don't just eat Sage as is often stated but, in fact, eat large amounts of alfalfa and forbes during the summer and early fall, (which is when you would be shooting them), and as such don't have the over-powering "sage taint" that you hear so many people claim that they have. In truth I've never eaten a "bad" Sage Grouse but I will also state that all of them that I have eaten have been shot in September or October before they switch to their winter diet of "predominantly sage" "maybe" for those people who have been forced to "winter" on them they are a "poor choice" for eating, (but lets not forget that endentrued servants in the East had "Salmon no more than three times a week" in their contracts and that the Gentlemen on the Lewis and Clarke camping trip also complained about ElK being a "poor choice")....

Like Sea Ducks and East Coast Brant the secret is in the preperation and cooking......stuff a Sage Grouse into the back of your vest on a hot Sept. afternoon, then throw it in the back of the hot truck, until sundown, then cook it like you would a Pheasant and I'm sure you'd get the same type of results that come from people cooking Eiders like Mallards. Most people that are happy to eat Sage Grouse will tell you to draw the bird immediately, including the removal of the proventricula, so that all vegetable matter is removed as quickly as possible and then get the bird out of your vest as soon as possible. I personally don't draw my birds but I do get them into the cooler so that they can cool out as quickly as possible. Breast them, take the thighs, and then cook them over white hot coals after breifly marinating them in wine, melted butter and worchestishire sauce. If you don't like them that way then just mail all future Sage Grouse to me and I'll pay the shipping.....

Here's what I know about hunting Sage Grouse.....and where I agree with least partially....Sage Grouse occur in 10 Western States with huntable populations of birds in 7 or 8 of them.....At least 3 of those States are either "extremely short", (S.D. with a 2 day season), and/or with a "permit system", (Oregon and California). Add to the difficulty of the draw the fact that you have to have your Non-Resident license prior to applying for the permit and hunting them in States like Ca. and Oregon isn't a particularly "prudent" way to plan a trip.

That leaves the following with seasons: Montana, (60 day season/4 birds a day), Idaho,(3 week season/2 bids a day), Colorado, outside the Gunnison Basin where the Endangered "Gunnison Grouse", a smaller version of the Greater Sage Grouse resides, (1 week season/2 birds a day), Nevada, (2 week season/2 birds a day) and Wyoming, (10 day season/2 birds a day). All of the seasons that are abbreviated are in September except for Nevada which holds its season in October.

Most of the States that have Grouse Seasons also open their Forest and Prarie Grouse, (includes Chukar and Hungarian Partridge), but not Quail, (if present), and Pheasant season so that you can hunt "multiple" species if you are hunting during the September portions of the Sage Grouse seasons. Fishing is excellent in September and the weather is going to be "better", on average, than it will be later. However Duck Season won't be open....

So the answer to WHEN becomes one of WHAT you want to hunt while you're on your trip. If you want to be able to hunt Ducks and Pheasants along with shooting a Sage Grouse then that leaves only Montana as they are the only state that has a season that is open while all of the other species are open.

If Ducks aren't a "primary" consideration then Montana "might not be" the best State assuming that you can time your visit during the other States "abbreviated" seasons. I love the "variety" of the Western Upland Seasons and every State has a different "group" of Upland birds to offer visiting hunters.

Montana has Sharptails, Huns, Pheasants, and all (3) Forest Grouse-(the Blue's will be Dusky's and the Spruce Gouse will Franklin's--this being a matter of little import to almost no one although I know it will be of interest to you). They have a "few" Chukars but there are far better states for these than Montana.

Idaho has Columbia Sharptail, (a recognized sub-species), Valley and Bobwhite Quail, all (3) Forest Grouse-same as Montana), Huns, way better Chukar than Montana, , and Pheasants.

S.D. has Sharptails and Greater Prairie Chickens, plus I have heard that "on occassion" one might stumble upon the "odd" Pheasant there.

The other states listed have the above species, to varying degree, and you could add Scaled Quail, Himalayan Snow Cock, (yeah right), and Whitetailed Ptarmigan to the list if you really decided to try to "do it all" on one trip.....

Washington no longer has Sage or Columbian Sharptail season but I will lobby here, (because of a desire to visit with Jen and your Boys--you may wait in the car while I take them on a Quail hunt),that we have incredible Chukar and Quail hunting, good Hun hunting and can likely show you a WILD Pheasant if you were so inclined. And afterall, if you've driven to Central Montana from your house whats another 10 hours, give or take. Steelhead fishing on the Grande Ronde is "incredible" at that time as well.

Conclusion: I've never shot either of the Priaire Chickens, or a Snow Cock....excepting those, of all the other Upland birds that I've hunted I'd have to say that I like the Sage Grouse the best. That's partly true because they were the first native Upland birds that I shot after moving West, partly because I shot them here in Washington with Mike, partly because they are so neat when they thunder aloft from under the dogs nose, but mostly because of the places that they live. The high desert, sagebrush steppe, that they frequent is so dramatic, so remote, and so "mostly" free of mans influence, that every one shot becomes a "treasure" to me, and the dogs. I figure you'll feel the same way once you've seen them.....

Steve, GET THE LEAD OUT, Sutton
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While sage grouse may not have a nutsack for a head, like the majestic condor, they were endowed with two bright yellow nutsacks on either side of their chest. These nutsacks are impressive not only for their color but also for the birds ability to inflate the nutsacks to several times their ordinary size as a display to wooo the ladies.

Neat trick, but I'm sure glad we don't have that ability...pants would have to be made in completely new manner.

Since you have done so much thinking on this I'll give you my whole plan, although it isn't hardly formulated yet. We are talking a Sept-October trip in '08 (wide open as far as timing and length). My goal for the trip was to keep it sane and try to have quality experiences rather than pack absolutely as much diversity in as possible (we will have an 18 month old kid along). The trip is for Jen too, she will tolerate a lot, but setting up base camps in neat areas and making forays out would be the way to go, rather than move a lot. We are thinking 3-4-5 stops of 3-4-5 days with visits along the way. The trip will be Twin Cities to Laramie to Seattle to Tuscon to home, with hunting stops along the way. Some fishing for dinner or breakfast would be great too.

I haven't shot any of these birds. I tried to come up with a reasonable list that wouldn't kill us. I started with Sage Grouse because of the reasons you mention and because they should be the hardest on my list. I was planning on trying desert quail since I've seen them a bunch on trips and am enchanted by them and Jen loves the desert. I wanted to try for forest grouse.

My thinking was Sage Grouse one or two places, forest grouse one or two places and desert quail one or two places. With those three goals, it seems like there is the possibility of hitting huns, chuckar, sharptails, pheasant along the way. I had no real plans for waterfowl, but if I found some... No plans to hit the Ruby Mountains for snowcock or the border for Mearn's.

Given your generous offer, I would love take advantage of it; there is absolutely no question that it would be a great time and a great hunt. Jen suggested that if we can play nice for the next year, she would consider it.

Thanks, I learned a bunch.


Gregg....I thought those were called "assnecks"?

Learn something everyday.

You know, I always put sage on my gamebirds so I don't see the problem. It's like an organic infusion process.
Which would you prefer to have someone describe you as having, an assneck or nutsack breasts?
Personally I'd rather have the nutsack least I could keep my shirt on and minimize the amount of attention drawn to myself. Wearing a turtleneck all the time to cover up your assneck would be mighty uncomfortable in the summer heat and you'd still draw attention to yourself.

Then again, if you had an assneck do you think you could whistle the melody and harmony at the same time?.......that would be kinda cool.
behave ourselves for the next 18 months or so so that Jen marks our report cards, "plays well with others", so she'll agree to us getting together.....shouldn't be that hard. All you have to do is not make me cry, (I'm very sensitive you know), and all I have to do is not provoke you.....I'll work on my end......

As to the trip here are my thoughts.....I would pick the White Tailed Ptarmigan in the lower 48 as the "most difficult" and then the Prairie Chicken(s) right behind it on the Upland list, (I haven't included the Snow Cock since its such a "restricted species" and requires a specific trip that is all but exclusive for it)....the rest are common enough in their range that they can be "expected" if you are willing to put in the miles....

I'm always "scheaming" on the Upland birds and this year it looks like I'll get a shot at the Greater Prairie Chicken on a Cd. hunt, (at least thats the rumor and if it turns out to be a real possibility I'll likely spend the bulk of my time doing that ilo the Duck Hunting which is the main reason for the hunt).

Given you're Sept./Oct. availability to travel and the multiple day camps between moves here's what I'd do were I were you......

First stop...Eastern KANSAS for Greater Prairie Chicken. (Nebraska and a couple of other States have Greaters and would have to be considered as a "destination" State for them.....Kansas gets my nod on them though because its the only State with BOTH species which means that you will save on Non-Resident license fees. Assuming, of course, that you want both species).

Second stop....Western Kansas for Lesser Prairie Chicken. Knock both of these "tough" species out and you're over the "hump" from the very beginning.....(P.C.'s are a BIG OLD BLACK HOLE in my "where to" book but I'd bet that with some ground work we can locate "public ground" that would put you in them)....

Third stop....Eastern Montana for Sage Grouse, Sharptails and Huns.....Parks will have spots for you on this one. Dave Hager, or our local Rock Star, Sammy Hagen, knows Montana bird hunting better than anyone on the site and I'm sure will lend his knowledge on this State, and I'll be there early in October this season and can lend additional information after that trip.....Dove season will be open....bring LOTS of steel 7's for these guys, (GET THE LEAD OUT), and you'll be eating Doves at every meal to stay under the Possession Limit.

Fourth stop....Western Montana for all (3) Forest Grouse.....find YAK on your map, north of Libby on'll see and shoot AT all (3) species of Grouse on the same walk in that area. Gorgeous area in mid to late September too boot....Watch out for the Grizzled Bears.

Fifth stop...Eastern Washington for our Quail opener, (typically first week in October)....Gregg Kurz and I, and hopefully Don Shearer, will meet you and introduce you to Valley Quail, Chukars and Huns. Too early for Pheasants but WHO CARES ABOUT DITCH telling where we'd end up. Maybe on the Snake where we could add Dinosaur fishing, maybe on the Grande Ronde where we'll throw ourselves on the largess of Gary March to teach us something about the great Fall Steelhead fishing on that River....heck maybe we'll make a couple of moves during this'd get to meet Gegg and Drake as well as Don and Aspen,(who just happens to be THE MOST incredible Upland Lab I've ever seen and who is PURE GENIUS on cripples), plus potentially a couple of others....

Sixth stop....South Western Oregon for Mountain and Valley Turkey hunting buddy down there will take care of you on this one and also has a GREAT camp where you can stay. Dave is RIGHT THERE as well and if he hasn't sold by then will be a great local Guide...(Notice I skipped Seattle.....unless there are "people" here that you need to see I'd skip coming here for places you haven't been..if you need to come here and if its after the duck opener we can always get you that harlequin I wasn't able to put you on on earlier trips)...'ve now hunted in (5) States, (I included Idaho cause one never knows which side of the river the birds are going to be), and you're approaching a Grand in license fees, (you and Jen--less if Jen is just "watching")...

O.K. Now here's where it starts to gets tough....from SW Oregon there are lots of "options"....if you still had time you could head South to do the Desert can do Scaled Quail in Colorodo but if you have the time I'd just keep going South into Arizona/NM where you'll find both Scaled and Gambles easier to come by.....Or if you need to start heading back by this point you could head towards Denver and try for the Whitetailed Ptarmigan in that area, then continue back through the Grasslands of Ks. where you could take another poke at the P.C.'s and would know where the Scaled and Bobwhite Quail are after having had to pass on them on the trip West....and by then Pheasants will have opened and you can now shoot them....

If you could do all that, and assuming that you're shooting eye is "tuned", you will arive back in the wasteland of Upland Birds with (5) of the (6) Quail species, all (3) Forest Grouse, all (4) Plains Grouse, (and maybe a sub-species as well for a total of (5)), Chukar, Hun, Pheasant, Doves, Snipe, caught a Sturgeon and a big ass REAL Honest to GOD Steelhead, (not one of those "surrogate" ones), and seen one hell of lot of neat country.....

Be realistic and drop a couple of the species out due to "logistics" or "poor shooting" and its still on heck of a trip....

Personally I'd leave the boat at home and pull a utility trailer. Throw in a handful of decoys, (as good a BLUE GLASS BEEDS once were for "TRADE GOODS" with the Natives), and rely on the invitations of the myraid of Duck Boat Page inhabitants who will shower you with invitations to hunt with them once you announce your travel route for Duck Hunting opportunities...and I'm betting that you'll also get local, on the ground, intel on those Upland species that you don't already have a "starting point" on.....

Other than the fact that 18 month old babies tend to cry, and crap alot, I'll be envious of your trip. Get the kid used to a Bourbon gum rub when he's cranky, pack lots of cattail fluff for diaper wadding and I'm betting that will ease that part for you.....

I'll expect a Brant/Black Duck hunt for providing GPS corodinates on spots where I'm not actually present....

Steve, GET THE LEAD OUT, Sutton
I'll be the first to jump in, I have a upland buddy who used to live 50mi south of Kansas City on the east side of the Flint Hills(the Flint Hills being the heart of Greater Prairie Chicken country). He'd be able to point you in the right direction for Prairie Chicken, (Wild)Pheasant, and (Wild)Bobwhite Quail. If you stay close to Missouri you can hop over the boarder for a $10 daily Non-res tag and shoot Sora rails and have a chance for a Virginia where Steve hunted many moons ago. I also have a buddy who has in-laws in West Central Kansas(South of WaKeeney) in the Ransom area if that is lesser chicken country???
for Lessers....West of Dodge City, South of 50, for the BEST areas in the state.....if your location falls into that area then he's got em both nailed down before he even starts....

I remeber you telling me you had a friend in Ks. that knew about Greaters but had forgotten that....

Good to know....Good to know....

Nope, Ransom is north of Dodge City some 30-50 mi. Sorry

The guy is the same one with the setters we woodcock hunt over. Another reason to make it out here to woodcock hunt.