SBDB - Home Stretch....Grassing

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
I know Salt Hay is traditional on a South Bay Duck Boat, but where I will hunt is fresh/brackish water, and out East on the salt marsh. But even out east, the areas we hunt are varied backgrounds, not pure meadow.

So, I determined to start this yr with a mix of materials. I bought some BlindGrass all synthetic panels in their new "Salt Hay" which is thinner blades then what they typically sell. I then harvested all the ornamental grass I had in my yard, as well as the large clump at Church, which was the donor for the splits I have in my yard. I wanted to cut it now, while still green, and before the seeds emerged.



I ran out of natural before I was finished..... and hunted around for a few more stands which I cut from on Monday. It is now drying, but I have gotten this far with the first batch.

I then used the BlindGrass on the stern deck, where it will hold up to my stepping and climbing, and where it aways wet.


When this next batch is dried some, I will finish the side decks, the motor cover, and the rear cockpit canvas.... and fill in some more to add depth.

Mom has the trailering cover, customizing to fit better, so I hope not to lose too much on the highway trips. Onsite, I will add some wrack and local color.
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Good morning, Dave~

I'm thinking you'll take the Biodiversity prize for your thatch job!

Of course, what caught my eye - as I presume it is supposed to - was the orange "flag" on the outboard's lower unit. Great idea! Most trailed gunning boats I see are fairly obscure from behind. Got a photo that shows details - and how you attach it?

See you in Tuckerton!


Maybe its just picture but the Blind Grass Marsh grass coloration looks the same as their Fall Blend to my eyes. Your saying the blades are thinner than their normal grass? That stuff is a great product although I have to doctor it with a mist of Rustoleum Camo dark brown for my use. It does hold paint great. Your natural veg. looks great. How is it handling folding down for running with your cockpit flaps down?
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Steve, I don't have any pictures of the flag, but it is nothing fancy. Originally I had custom fitted fluorescent and reflective covers made by Mom for the 15hp motor and the Dodge and Krowl Ice Scooter. When I got the Scaup, the cover still fit the 25hp, with some added webbing to the straps, but would never fit the 40hp on there now. I found this mesh flag at Home Depot, and made a custom length bungie for it to fit my Scaup, that has a pr of chocks on the rear sponsons to lead an anchor line.

To fit the SB, I simply route the bungie through the rear handles on the sponsons and around the motor, secured with a carabiner.

Roy, time will tell how bad the grass gets beat up. The flaps will come off for long trips with a cover installed, but local, I will leave them on and up, secured with a bungie cord so they don't flap up and down. I know it will take a beating and assume it will take some maintenance, likely each hunt. I agree the color does look like the same, but I received some samples when I first saw the BlindGrass advertised and all of those blades were at least 2x wider than this Salt Grass style. I will add some nattural and wrack to the rear deck to break up the transition. I was out last Friday in a new area we plan to hunt, worked my way about 1000yrds from the bay up a creek and found some real ducky spots,,, the vegetation was so varied in and around it that no matter what I used, I would be similar to something else!
Few years ago I bought a ripstop safety orange nylon flag with shock cord attached off Amazon for extended loads. I mainly use it when hauling my canoe in pickup bed with load extender. Has come in handy though when hauling lengthy lumber loads on 8'utility trailer. I really appreciate those individual strands of Blind Grass for ease in which they roll up in my roll up/down Cordura nylon blinds. That and the ability to weave them into blinds grassed with rafia to get some drape over shoot slot in boat/panel blinds. Of course being almost indestructible doesn't hurt either!
Outstanding work. Thanks for the inspiration. Now if it will just stop raining I can hope to put the inspiration into action and go cut some grass for the duckboat.
This boat is taking a lot of grass! I have cut 3 times now, and am close to done. I found a great tool that should make field touch up easy and fast, and safer than my hand scythe when in waders!


Ughhh The Joys of Grassing... Use the same tool! The Ole' Sickle Still Gets The Job Done As Always Though!

Hope to see you at the October show Dave!
