Southern Input - Thanks

Mark W

Well-known member
We had my buddines going away paarty last night and prepared a little picnic basket full of stuff for him in his new journey. Everything was a hit and a good time was had by all. I made a little game out of the words written with their meanings and it wa hillarious.

Thanks for all the great suggestions.

Mark W
So? What? You can/'t share the definitions with us?

Honest, None of us Re' nnecks will hold a grudge.........

Lay it on us, man!
Mark I hope he sees this bill board if he drives through Alanta I took this picture a few weeks agoPentax 4 013 e.JPG
The owrds with the definitiions are up further in the post. Words like "Bard" - My brother darn went out and bard my pick-up truck. Or "Tar" - I needed 4 new tars on that pick-up truck that my brother bard. And so on.

I did have some fun shooting bullet holes through the "Welcome" sign I made for them and I foud some funny NASCAR shirts for the two to wear around town. A good time was had by all. I'm going to miss these two.

Mark W