Steve Sutton -- Windshield Pics

Ben Gallop

Hey Steve, Can you repost the pics showing how you mounted your windshield that folds down? I am replacing my windshield, and may want to try something similar. Thanks. -Ben
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if this doesn't make sense, or if they create more questions let me know....The bots tightly tarped right now so its tough to get "specific pictures", (plus they aren't as interesting since they don't include any ducks or scenary....

Jason Russell-ice.jpg

In this picture you can see that the windshield folds down onto the front of the console for storage...two, nice,big handles for "grabbin aholt of" when required. You can see the two hinges, (kind of), and also one of the TABS that are used to secure the windshield in the upright position....


A close up of one of the hinges, (obviously there are two). These are "pinned" so that by removing a split ring the pin can be pulled and the entire windshield can be removed. You can also see the TAB in this shot and if you look behind that the head of the large thumbscrew that goes through the hole in the tab and into the threaded hole in the console, (again one on each side), to secure the windshield in the UP position...

Before anyone asks "what's the limit on Pintail Mr. Poacher Man", the limit is one, and my nephews shot one each....Their FIRST Pintails BTW....they also get credit for being the "hen" shooter on the GW Teal.

close up.jpg

PRE-QUALIFIER.....Jason Russell is the HEN shooter on this one.....I'd never do such a dastardly thing...

Good closeup of the hings and the tab.....imagine the windshield in th UP position. The TAB is now pointing down and located on the side of the console. The large thumbscrew goes through the large hole in the tab and when tightened on both sides secures the windshield in the UP position....EASY PEASY JAPANESEY..

As you can see any pictures that I have of the windshield are incidental to "dead duck" and "proud people" shots.....I can't think of a single one that I have with the windshield up....this is due to the fact that those people who want pictures of dead ducks and beaming countenances are less interested in photos of pounding spray, rain in the face at speed or the sting of a little sleet or snow taken while racing to the warmt of the truck and I find that when the windshield is up they are most often found huddled BEHIND me and not in such a good position for photography. One of these days Bill Wasson, "The ICE Captain", will return to the NW, the weatherr will get snotty, I'll erect the windshield, he'll laugh, shake his fist at the heavens, and shout, "I FART IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF YOUR FEEBLE ATTEMPTS AT INCLMATE WEATHER", and then, RIGHT BEFORE the lightening strike bounces off of his tin foil capeau, I'll get him to snap a picture....

Let me know if this answers your questions.

Now thats my kind of hunting right there!!! Breaking ice!!! Yeah baby!!!

I need to see some detail on the motor cover Steve!!!
Northeast Coasters are used to seeing frozen saltwater in the late season but this was a real uniuqe situation for us here in the Banana Belt....a good portion of Eastern Washington freezes up during cold snaps but thats expected given sub-zero temps at night, freshwater and no current.....on the Westside saltwater though its really a "once in a very great while thing" and usually only for a couple of days at the most....

Jason must have brought tis with him though because the entire time he was here it was "BUTT COLD". That picture is in a sheltered boat harbor but the tide range is still in excess of 8 feet per tide so it was a real shock, even given the 8 degree temp, when we encountered that kind of ice.....If my Brother would ever send his pictures I'd post the shot of Jason and I in the boat, (Barry stayed on the dock for "recovery" if necessay), breaking 2" thick ice for a quarter of a mile to get out of the harbor. A FIRST for me in the NW, (and I've hunted the salt here for 25 years), and I doubt I'll see it again for a good while....

The cover is just a couple of green mesh decoy bags laid over the cowling, then a layer of mesh backed die cut camo material, (really weathered as you can see), and then MoMarsh "Invisa-grass tied into the mesh in individual clumps, longer on the bottom and short, like a spiked haircut, on the top and sides.....the mesh decoy bags protect the cowling from wear so that the finsih isn't trashed, (future resale consideration). The die cut camo provides the mesh backing to zip tie the grass bundles to.

My plan was to make the thing easily removable but I wanted to trailer it at highway speeds and the bungee arrangement securing grew to the point where its just says on the motor year round. That picture was in January so it had been trailered for well over 1,500 miles at that point with no loss of material, (and in fact the more you trailer it the more 3D it seems to get as it gets tangled and wind blown). The top is a bit bare simply because it was a "work in progress" with additional "clumps" being added to the top whenever I got a chance to pull it inside the garage.....This year there will be a wood block on top of the cowling, under the die cut camo...holes in the block to take the "leg" on either a Gull, or a large Shorebird, Silhouette.....


I'm a big fan of the Invasa-grass!!! I thought that what it might be. I need to do one up like that. Thanks




Ben, just wanted to say hi from Ben Gallup in Missouri. I have family letters dated 1832 from Spesutie Island and Havre de Grace, MD. Interestingly in the letters they referenced being duck hunters. Have you researched your ancestry? ben
you realize that we just exchanged FOUR, count em, FOUR, posts without once disagreeing with one another?

Next thing you know Jay ANglin will be paying me a compliment.......

Did HELL freeze over and I missed the announcement?

Wonders never cease my man!!! All I know is friggin' invisa-grass ROCKS!! Wether its coverin' up motors or whole boats.......LOL
Thanks for the pics Steve. Is your windshield real glass in some sort of frame? Mine is all acrylic. I think I could use some of the plastic/wood stuff and make a backing for the hinges. Then I have to find some tabs with a threaded piece to put in the console. I see how it works though. About how I thought it probably did. Where do I find that white icy sort of stuff and the ducks to hang on the windshield? Didn't see much of either around here last year. -Ben
Hey Ben, I have done a little research, but not much. Due to an interesting news paper article last year, I learned a lot about my great great great grandfather who was a plantation owner and pirate and who owned a very significant portion of what is now the Northern Outerbanks of NC and Currituck County, a famed waterfowling region. Unfortunately, none of the land passed down to me :)
That first pic that Steve post was cold. I remember watching the sun come up and seeing nothing but ice. It took us a long time to make it out and back to Pick up brother Barry. I also remeber onlookers coming to watch the action and saying they had never seen the salt freeze like that in the "50" years that they had lived there. Barry and I spent another half hour chopping ice off of the boat ramp so that we could get the boat back on the trailor. As for the hen...could I say it was on purpose? Study bird. Here is one during the boat rocking and another of Barry after chopping ice. He kept saying Why is the snow red? Where is the blood coming from? It was way to cold for him to feel it

Hey Charlie, Console is fiberglass. Nutserts sound a little dirty... I guess I'll have to look online to see what they are :)
you can see the heavy rubber gasket that holds it into the aluminum frame in the pictures....its a major gasket and I can only imagine that its as heavy as it is so that it can act as a shock absorber in rough water.....

You said your console was fiberglass...just drill a hole in the correct place and then use 5200 to attach the approriate size nut on the inside of the console for the thubscrew that you select.....just make sure that you don't get the 5200 on the threads when you bed the nut......


As my mother in law says - "a dirty mind is a joy forever"...

You can buy them at mcmaster carr, or if you only need a few, let me know as I bought a box of 100 years ago and have extras (1/4-20, I think).

Well nut:
Don't know where to get these, but mcmaster-carr is a good bet.

Whether you try Steve's idea or another, I would make sure you back that nut with something - an aluminum backing plate maybe? The hole with the bolt through it and the nut on the back are going to put a lot of stress on a small area of fiberglass and I'd guess that you'll end up with cracks eventually.

You could 5200 a reasonable sized plate inside the console, drill through both the glass and the plate and then use a well-nut or a nutsert to create your threaded fastener. The well-nut might actually be a better idea since they have that rubber dealie that might absorb some vibration.
