Thought you guys might like this

Thanks for posting it. I like the original but that was quite nice as was the video.
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That was definitely one of the better rock renditions I have heard.
Thanks for posting
As a traditionalist myself and a vet. I think the way it was written was fine. Should be sung as written or don't sing it. Just my opinion, I turn off nascar and others when not sung properly. Seems other countries don't have other renditions of theirs??? Only my opinion...
Well......I need to point out (again) that I'm 72. If a choice for music is given to me......."rock" wins......usually. I really liked really this "artistic" rendition. It kind of gave me "goose bumps"......whatever that means.

In another vein, I can appreciate the fact that living in this great country provides the freedom for individuals to express their emotions through music while others have the right to's all good.
Full disclosure: I am at my desk eating lunch at work and haven't followed the posted link. So please consider the below as tangental to Gary's original post....
I was surprised and somewhat amused to see/hear a Hendrix-inspired guitar solo version of your national anthem at the start of a recent TV sports broadcast. (Might have been one of the MLB playoffs?). Hendrix most famously played the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock, which - as I understand it - had a heavy undercurrent of protest against the establishment and the war in Vietnam. Hendrix's anthem, with its discordant corruption of the original including machine gun noises and bomb explosions, was an ironic, countercultural indictment of those turbulent times. Clearly, no one in authority was going to ask Jimi to stand up at the World Series that year.
Perhaps 40+ years later that irony has been lost?
Full disclosure: I am at my desk eating lunch at work and haven't followed the posted link. So please consider the below as tangental to Gary's original post....
I was surprised and somewhat amused to see/hear a Hendrix-inspired guitar solo version of your national anthem at the start of a recent TV sports broadcast. (Might have been one of the MLB playoffs?). Hendrix most famously played the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock, which - as I understand it - had a heavy undercurrent of protest against the establishment and the war in Vietnam. Hendrix's anthem, with its discordant corruption of the original including machine gun noises and bomb explosions, was an ironic, countercultural indictment of those turbulent times. Clearly, no one in authority was going to ask Jimi to stand up at the World Series that year.
Perhaps 40+ years later that irony has been lost?
Kind of like GAP clothing company playing CCR's Senator's Son while showing the American flag during the comercials. Quite commical that they dont even realize what the song is about. However sad that the general public saw nothing more than an ad with an "old" song playing in the back ground.
Great example and a great song.
One that I will now have playing on the radio station in my head for the next three days.
Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand
Lord don't they help themselves...

Thanks for that... Ha!

I think there is a Gatorade commercial that used 'American Woman', which is basically a rejection of seductive American culture from the simpler (at least at the time) Canadian perspective. (As you know, Lenny Kravitz did not write the song.)
Colored lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else's eyes
Now woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be

Really, Gatorade? Really?

I just cringe when I hear the Star Spangled Banner butchered by so many singers at events. Like others on here, I am a vet..........I know the words and try and sing it when ever it's played - with my hand or hat over my heart. I say I "try to sing it" because I usually choke up within a couple of stanzas and can't finish. I am a patriot and damned proud of it - sing the song as it was supposed to be sang and played.
I always ask this question. Was the interpretation meant to honor the song, or to honor the singer? So many times when I see the anthem sung before sporting events I feel like some pretty face pop singer is trying to show off their vocal "ability".