What book do you recommend for duck dog training?

Jon Zuccolo

Active member
So a friend of mine picked up a dog off the street (actually the dog kind of picked him). A flea bitten puppy, covered in ticks, and skinny and partly bald... After some proper food, medicine and good love, this dog looks amazing and seems to be a full blooded lab, very nice personality and REALLY eager to retrieve the ducks we were throwing for him... My buddy got to thinking that it might actually make a good duck dog (he's got a lot of drive and naturally retrieves and has a soft bite on the ducks).

I'd love to see this dog in the duck blind one day so I thought that as I am leaving Oklahoma I might get him a gift to help him train his dog. Perhaps a good book or DVD (I think a book is better)? Anyone have suggestions?


Another good one: The 10 Minute retriever...focuses on basic obedience and other puppy stuff. It's great for a newbie to training, and focuses on working a little EVERY day rather than bigger, more complicated training.

I also had really good luck with Water Dog and Game Dog too, Wolters has fallen somewhat out of favor in recent years but there's a lot of solid ideas in his books. For DVD's the Fowl Dawgs series is also really good, they have a really good section on force fetch if you decide to go that route.
Great idea, Jon. I also would recommend Waterdog. What a great story this would make some day.
I really like the approach advocated in Robert Milner's book. Here's a link to Mr Milner's website http://www.duckhillkennels.com/dogs/gundogs.php

I used Water Dog to train my first dog and still use some of the ideas Wolters wrote about in there.

Many of the programs...Evan Graham, George Hickox, etc. provide good ideas on how to set-up training sessions to teach a particular skill.

Long winded way to say there is a lot of good information out there.

Start with good basic sit/stay, come training and build from there. Be patient.

I have both Water Dog and Game Dog and like Game dog a little more. a lot of the material is the same. The trick is just a little every day. I just started casting with pup this morning. I work with her about 5 min in the morning and try to do some more in the evening but that only seems to happen about 1 out 3 days.
Thanks everyone, I have purchase game dog and water dog. I hope they get put to use!

I tried to attach a photo of Stonewall, but he wouldn't stand still for a photo long enough :)

I really need a dog of my own :)
Well, just a few short days after I gave the book, I was invited out to the lake to see the pup in action. I must say I am impressed!

Heres the pup, aka "stonewall"... Not bad looking for a hobo?


And here he is in action... It took him a bit to get accustomed to the soft mud, but once he saw me walking in it, he was ok, and made some very nice short retrieves with no breaking and the bumper to the owners hand.


If he keeps up the training I am sure this dog will be an excellent retriever in short order!