working decoy pattern book

Bill T

Active member
I'm looking for a good working duck decoy carveing pattern book . With patterns for puddlers and divers can some one point me in the right direction ,Name of book and where i can get it . Thanks for your help !
Pat Godin's books of patterns are really good. You can get them from Lou Tisch I think and Willy at The Duck Blind. Bill Veasey has a couple books out that have a few patterns and Bruce Burke put out one on puddlers and one on divers that I used quite a bit since they had great paint info in them.
Two books I have gathering dust on the book shelf are Making Decoys The Century- Way by Grayson Chesser and Decoys The Art of the Wooden Bird by Richard LeMaster

They both look to be good books with patterns but what do I know for some one who hasn't attempted a decoy carving in 45 or 50 years.

Being on this site however has inspired me and I have some wood curing, who knows what will happen.

Good luck on your quest. Let the chips fly.
I have found Godin's books but rying to find a store to buy them from is another story . Thanks for the help
You'll probably have to purchase them on the net. Willy at The Duck Blind has copies. Try for Pat's latest book covering his competition gunning rigs.

Good luck!