1st for me - what about you?

I would say the pintail drake but finally killed one about two weeks ago after 23 years of hunting. I got a hen last year and sailed the drake never to be found. Now that a sprig is out of the way my list consists of the big divers. Cans, redheads, and scaup are birds Ive never taken. Ive just never had the means to hunt them, but that has now changed.

Thomas bagged his first redhead yesterday. Bill Burrus and I were hunting off a point while Nic and Thomas manned a root ball in open water. Bill and I saw three ducks make a pass at what looked to be 80 yards. Shots rang out and one of the three fell. I called Nic on the cellphone and asked how far the birds were. He said 35-40 yards. Funny how things look vastly different when you are 300 yards away. Nic and Thomas took the below pics of Thomas first redhead. He was quite happy with the bird.

Ron - awesome story about the whistling ducks and thanks for attaching a pic. Those are a species of duck that I've never even considered harvesting... probably due to my location and the extremely high likelihood that I'll never see one unless I make it further south to hunt some day. Does give me something to ponder though!
Eric - Tell Thomas that's a beauty and reference my initial post relative to how long it took me to take one!
Doug - good luck on the divers! I would think you're in a fairly good location to target some of those being on the east coast?
I've got several that others in my area seem to get. But for me a trophy Pintail and a Bufflehead seem to elude me. I keep thinking my time is coming but sure gets frustrating when I see others nearby get them.