A Bluebill Decoy...and a little story

Geoff Vine

Active member
Well, it's officially been more than twenty years since I headed down into the dank basement of my mother's hundred year old home determined to "build" my first rig of hand-carved decoys. I was armed with nothing more than a worn copy of Zack Taylor's "Successful Waterfowling" and a very brand new black and white copy of Grayson Chesser's "Making Decoys The Century-old Way". My tools were probably better suited towards tuning up the rusted '72 Chevelle I happened to be driving at the time. I quickly realized that changing the shape of the extremely hard wood I had was going to take a lot more elbow grease than I had anticipated. It took way too long to get through #1 and next five weren't that much easier. They all turned out different, and none of them turned out the way I planned. I won't even mention the struggles that painting pained me with. My vision vs. my skills and understanding of the craft of decoy making were as far aprt as you can get. But forward I went, because the thought of hunting Bluebills in Wisconsin with my own decoys made it all seem worth it.

The goods news is that after all these years I've learned a thing or two. Still, I haven't carved a Bluebill for six or seven years. With them on the decline, I decided it would be best to invest in Canvasbacks, Redheads, Goldeneyes, or even Buffleheads. Something that I thought I had a good chance of finding out on the water in early November. I forgot all about that old Bluebill obsession.

Well lately I've had few orders for Bluebills. I got kinda excited about sitting down and carving one of my all time favorites. The old drake Bluebill. What I didn't realize was that in the process I would re-live twenty years of carving memories. It was a joy to lean into my work with the efficiency and confidence of a veteran carver. I had the same vision for the decoy, but now have the ability to see it come to fruition. I can't tell you how satisfying personally it is to have most of those little things that you've struggled with all these years turn out. So many small things that add up to a decoy that is functionally sound and pleasing to the eye.

I'll be on a layout hunt for Scaup with my son (I hope he's the one that gets the big fat drake) in two weeks on a bay off Lake Superior. It's a gathering ground for Bluebills, and even Mr. President would say we picked the right week for Bluebills in northern Wisconsin. Having my son in the story is a new twist, but the rest of the story is still the same...

I hope you enjoy the photos.




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They all turned out different, and none of them turned out the way I planned

But isn't that the point? Nice story my friend, and in the last 20 years, how much sandpaper have you gone through?

Enjoy the hunt!

Stories like this are one of the many reasons why I love this site. Great story and beautiful bird Geoff.
Geoff, that was a wonderful story. The pics were like having dessert after a great meal. Well done.
Thank you for the story Geoff. I love the tertial vermic to black you put on the bird. The rest of the bird is great but I immediately focused on that area. Soft, somewhat irregular and perfect IMHO. I hope your son has a limit on the water before the smile is off your face

I hope your boy goes 4 for 4 this year! Bluebills are the most fun to gun over - especially when they are your own.
Hey guys...

Thanks for all the great comments. T minus eleven days until we are on the road north. Hopefully we can get a few photos for the old album.

By the way. I will be holding a painting seminar at the ODCCA show in Strongsville Ohio on March 8th. I'll be painting a similar Bluebill during the session.
Geoff - I showed this picture to Tuts Lawson at the Ward Museum this weekend. He loved it and said keep up the good work.

Excellent bill. It would lure even the wariest of scaup...

Lem and Steve would be proud... Pat
Hey guys...

By the way. I will be holding a painting seminar at the ODCCA show in Strongsville Ohio on March 8th. I'll be painting a similar Bluebill during the session.

Dang, my youngest son is getting hitched that day.......

You and your son ought to have a great hunt in two Weeks, especially with nice decoys like that. I was in the north woods this weekend and can say with all confidence that the bluebills are not down yet.

Please let us know how the hunt goes and stay safe on the big water.