A moment to say thanks

clinton andrus

Active member
I just wanted to pass on a Thank You to all members of this fourm.

I am a memeber of several diffrent fourms all having to do with boats and hunting and guns.

I can honestly say that this is the most welcoming group of people I have had the honor of meeting and talking with and getting answer on questions I have.

I recetly joined a new fourm to gather some specific info on a product I am thinking of buying, the fourm I joined was created to be a community like this one to answer questions on this type of product.

And after joining the fourm every question I have posted there has been meet with smartass remarks and being told Im dump and are stupid and I have no buisness owning the product and are hunting, This type of behavor is just disscusting to me and have leavt this fourm.

So it made me think of all the questions I have asked here and the responses I was given and I can truely say the members here are a cut above the rest and I really apprecate this fourm and its members.

Thank you all.
i totally agree with you clinton! everyone on this forum has always been very respectful of others and forthcoming with information. great place to hang out!!

bruce horning
Clinton, I am so lucky I landed here first. It is the best place on the web. I have met so many great friends here and even very long distance connections. Welcome.
just a guess, but I bet the other forum did not insist on using real names or have moderators wiling to tell posters to "take a poop"? This is the only forum that I have joined and likely will remain that way.
You are correct that site uses call signs not names and yea the mods aint said a word, I cant figure out how to delete my proflie there and since I had posted this here the thread has around thirty post to it and not one word from a moderator putting those folks in check.

But its cool im done with that site, it just made me relize how good of a site and the members here are.
Good morning, Clinton~

I am so glad you appreciate the same things most of us value on this site - the sharing, learning and teaching with helpfulness and respect. I do not understand why such values are so rare on the web, but I thank Eric and Chuck and all the members for creating a place worth visiting.

All the best,


To all....... I think the main thing that makes this site great is using real names. It keeps the sniper out of the tree lines. I also think there a lot of love of the sport that carries us thru the offseason...... boats decoys and dogs. You've taken it to the next level, comfortable in your abilities, and willing to share.

Clinton - I completely agree. This is a very good site with some outstanding contributors. Every forum has the ability to be good or bad, it all depends on the members. If your intentions as a responder is to offer solutions and help to those that are seeking it, it is a wonderful place. If your intentions are to harass or belittle the poster for no other reason than to make sure everyone knows that you are the Subject Matter Expert (SME) on any given subject, the advice/help (if there is any) will not be well received. I think that the poster and responder need to understand that just because someone does something differently, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's wrong. Material solutions, tactics, solutions all vary by region/weather/conditions. It also needs to be understood that if a poster is asking for advice.........he needs to be prepared to receive it....good or bad....same or different. This is a great source of information ON MANY TOPICS outside of ducks/dogs/boats and I enjoy reading and catching up whenever I can.

Clinton, that was nice of you to take the time to say what you did. This site is filled with a great, diversified group of members. As has already been mentioned this all goes under the leadership of Eric and Chuck.