April Workbench

Good Easter morning, Bob~

I carved this Hoodie head to fit a Homer diver body. Always a challenge for me to size a head for an existing body.



All the best,


Bill,I like the style of your birds looks a little like George Soule influence. I have high regard for the older L.L. Bean decoys.
Good morning, Bill ~

Wonderful work as always!

Here are some Woodies from George Williams:


As it happens, I am in the middle of re-painting my own E. Allen Woodies - to post in a couple of days.

All the best,


Dave, Magically the only place glitter did not show up was on the decoy...I've made better parenting decisions before than to let a 3 year old loose with a glitter shaker. lesson learned!

Thank you Bill, I also love old school LLB birds.

Thanks Steve, I feel your pain on the right sized head to body deal, I have a shelf full of carved heads that are just off in size a little!

Love the woody rig george!
Good morning, All~

Here's a hollow Cedar (Atlantic White) gunner made as a gift - hence the furniture wax luster. Head is Basswood and paint is acrylic. It weighs 1 pound 7 ounces (no ballast weight). Were it intended for life other than on a shelf, I would add a screw-on mushroom weight (4 ounces?) toward the aft end.


All the best,


Steve. The new owner may just find black ducks hitting the window trying to get to that one
One more day in April.....

Here is the pair of Homer (Bob Mitchell) Eiders I painted for my TUTORIAL.


All the best,

