Bill McAdam passed away this morning.

Rick Pierce

Well-known member
The circle gets a little smaller.

I met Bill because of duckboats...we decided, along with a few others, to get together in Memphis for the Ducks Unlimited festival that used to be held there. After going to the show, we would go back to the Red Roof Inn and take over the back parking lot. We "boiled" decoys there one year (expanded foam), carved a couple years, and always had good food.

From that point on, we talked and emailed pretty regularly...when texting became easy/common, that got incorporated as well. Recipes, conversations, and just b.s. about work, family, and life...

When the wildlife art show in Decatur, Alabama wanted to bring back its decoy contest, Bill agreed...and then called me. For the few years it went on, it was one of my favorite events...being able to drive over, see whatever of the MAlArKy Carvers group had shown up (Jeff King's reclining Daffy Duck entry and Jon Espey's slices of bread as "confidence" decoys are forever in my head), handle some great decoys, and spend time talking ducks and, again, eating great food...was a great experience. Bill and I would commiserate about getting judges, ribbons, entries, whether the show would do any good at all, and what would happen...usually to see our fears evaporate as the show came together, somehow, with everyone pitching in and doing what it took.

I was lucky enough to hunt and fish with Bill, but one of the best times I had was a trip to Detroit last March. I mentioned to Bill in 2016 that I wanted to see the Redwings play at the Joe Louis Arena before they shut the Joe down and the Redwings moved. Bill was a lifelong Redwings fan - we gave each other hell over him being a fan and me liking pretty much anyone but the Redwings - and called a family member who worked/works for the Redwings. The weekend of the trip happened to coincide with the ODCCA show in Strongsville, Ohio. Laura and I flew to Detroit to watch the Wings play the Blackhawks - an Original 6 matchup to boot - and Bill handed me a Blackhawks jersey signed by Phil Esposito to wear to the game. He, Tina and Laura wore Redwings jerseys, and in a down year for the Redwings, they managed to stand up and beat the Blackhawks pretty decisively. The next morning, Bill took us to the farmer's market for breakfast - never, ever had corned beef hash like that - and to a massive meat market. It was bitterly cold, and I was underdressed to walk the way we did, but we all survived, and afterwards we rode down to the ODCCA show to somehow fit ducks into a decidedly non-duck weekend...

My last hunt with him was right around this past Thanksgiving in Arkansas. I knew he wasn't in good health, and asked him to get checked out, but he just dismissed it and said he was working on it. He had gotten better, at least from our conversations, and the text I got last week that he was in ICU and unconscious just floored me, because we had been talking about a duck/goose hunt in Oklahoma for January of 2019. He had sent info on a cabin to look at renting for the trip a day or two prior.

I am sad for myself, though trying to be happy that he is at peace and knowing at least one Lab, Shiloh, was waiting for him. He was a stubborn, hardheaded Scot with a huge, generous heart who loved his wife and his Labs, good food, good beer, hunting, fishing, and his friends. He is my friend, and I miss him.
Very sad to hear...A great person would do anything for you! Met him through the site as well. Drove down to his house with the Doc one weekend to carve with him and others from the site. I remember all of the Alabama guys were carving American coot decoys as fast as flipping a coin. That evening we had one of the best shrimp recipes I had ever had and he introduced me to a place that makes the best wings in the US before the weekend was over. Between carving, food, random calls/text throughout the year and his blackberry brandy, he will be missed! Steve "Doc" McCullough sent me a text this morning around 9 a.m. letting me know of this so I drove home at lunch to read through my hunting journals of hunting with him in the past.

One of my fondest hunting memories in layout hunting was with him when he came to Paducah to hunt with Doc and I. From the tender we watched him flip his gun upside down like Tom Knapp, opposite handed, to shoot a canvasback which he hit. Almost text book of what you would see Knapp shooting in one of his shows as a broke the clays. When he got back in the boat I asked him if he had been practicing that shot. I wrote his response in my hunting journal. His words were "I'm not going to let an opportunity like that pass me by! Are you kidding me?"

Prayers to his wife and family!

All I can say is that Bill was a great friend and hunting partner! He loved food, duck hunting and his dogs, but not necessarily in that order. We talked at least once a week about whatever, lately it was how horrible the Wings were playing. I will miss him.

When I was young, I was a hunter, walking wooded hillsides with confident steps and a gun in my hand. I knew the blur of wings, the rocketing form, and the Great Moment that only hunters know, when all existence draws down to two points and a single line. And the universe holds it breath. And what may be and what will be meet and become one – before the echo returns to its source.” – Pete Dunne

Please send Doc McCullough my regards; all the way from NYC. Thank you !!

Very sorry to learn of Mr. McAdam's passing. I did not know him but, wish I did. He sounded like a terrific person. May he rest in peace with his retrievers.
Thanks for the update. I never knew Bill personally but do remember many of his postings here on DuckBoats. May he rest in peace.
I can tell from the comments about Bill he was a special guy and is fondly remembered by his many friends. My condolences to his friends and family.
I can only hope that when the day comes for my time, that my friends will have as nice of things to say and as great of stories as the ones y’all have about Bill.
I never knew him but can tell he would have been a good one to sit down with for a spell.
Bill was a regular at Havre De Grace in the past. Last time I saw him was in Ohio. He will be missed.
Condolences and prayers to his family.
Terry Desilets said:
All I can say is that Bill was a great friend and hunting partner! He loved food, duck hunting and his dogs, but not necessarily in that order. We talked at least once a week about whatever, lately it was how horrible the Wings were playing. I will miss him.

When I was young, I was a hunter, walking wooded hillsides with confident steps and a gun in my hand. I knew the blur of wings, the rocketing form, and the Great Moment that only hunters know, when all existence draws down to two points and a single line. And the universe holds it breath. And what may be and what will be meet and become one – before the echo returns to its source.” – Pete Dunne

Terry what a great quote by a favorite NJ author. What book or source is it from?
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Not sure, I have a habit of collecting quotes. I'm always at a loss for words, so I depend on people that have the gift! That was from years ago, it was actually on paper!

Thank you so much for keeping us informed and your heartfelt tribute to Bill. Outside of duck hunting events I'd occasionally run into Bill at work. That guy always had a big smile on his face and was so happy to bump into friends. I mean it when I say I don't know that I've met a friendlier person, and Bill was like that to everyone. Just his nature to be a happy soul and it endeared him to anyone that had pleasure to meet him. I'm having lunch tomorrow with a mutual friend. I'll be sure to let him know of this sad news.

Eric Patterson