Christmas Day Hoodies

Tim Doran

New member
My son and I went out on the bay this morning hoping to see a few black duck and mallards, which we did. The big surprise was that the hoodies showed up in bunches. The most I have ever seen around here. We had groups of two to twenty buzzing us for the first two hours. They sure are sporty! Right up there with teal. I was trying to post a few pictures but it says 100kb max sixe and most of my jpegs seem to be too large. Any advise on how to decrease the file size? I see lots of pics on here. Also, any good recipies for hoodies? We had an old timer around here that could make anything take great but he passed away a while back and I have never tried to cook these little guys. I suppose that they are like the bufflehead?

Back when I lived in Georgia I accidentally shot a hen hooded merg when I was hunting wood ducks on a beaver pond. I thought, "what the hell am I going to do with this merg?" but I felt obligated to try and eat it because I had killed it. The bird was full of acorns which seemed different for a fish eater but I was hopeful that would make it taste better. I broiled the merg with several wood ducks and the stench ran us out of the house and also made the wood ducks that shared the broiling pain inedible. I offered it to my tom cat, who sniffed the broiled merg and then ran away. Good luck
I agree...more Hoodies on the South Shore Bays then Ive seen ever.

Make jerky with them! Thats what I did with the 2 common mergs, bluebill and buffie I shot Saturday. Slice thin, Marinate in a mixture of soy sauce, white wine, garlic powder, pepper and red pepper for 24 hours and then stick it in the dehydrator.
That or make gumbo with them. Zatarran;s mix (without rice) is great and easy.
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Acid marinade is your friend. A long soak in orange juice, apple cider vinegar, or buttermilk will help. Then cook with some other strong flavors--ginger, garlic, onion, soy, etc.

Carl's jerky suggestion is a goo one, too.
I too have seen alot of hoodies up here and have taken a few for the table ,well Mickey loves mergs the big common one`s and she loves these little butter balls ,we did the orange juice trick because we were out of pinapple juice ...and slow cook in a covered fryin pan with veggies and 5 grain wild rice chicken flavoured ,,ummmm My buddies think i have no sense of taste you dont want them ill take them there fine table fair i say to them .... and real sporty to hit on the wing kinda like a f14 buzzin ya when your not ready where did they come from....
Back when I lived in Georgia I accidentally shot a hen hooded merg when I was hunting wood ducks on a beaver pond. I thought, "what the hell am I going to do with this merg?" but I felt obligated to try and eat it because I had killed it. The bird was full of acorns which seemed different for a fish eater but I was hopeful that would make it taste better. I broiled the merg with several wood ducks and the stench ran us out of the house and also made the wood ducks that shared the broiling pain inedible. I offered it to my tom cat, who sniffed the broiled merg and then ran away. Good luck

you must of left the skin and fat on it??? we skin all seaducks here matter of fact i skin out everybird i get now adays unless theres no pin feathers on a big black duck or a goose i may pluck one for a special ocassion

Sort lost my appetite for shooting this type of bird after reading the suggestion of frying in an iron skillet, then throw out the bird and eat the pan.

Merry Christmas to everyone
Here's a recipe for full bird: Poach in 1/2 bottle of dry white wine. Cut a couple of lemons in half, squeese the juice in and toss the lemons in and poach for 1/2 hour. Remove and place in a baking dish and season with salt and pepper inside and out stuff with either apple and onion or apple and lemon. Cook at 350 degrees for amopox 45 minutes or when brown.