Cockpit lid for devlin style hull

Paul W

Well-known member
curious to see pictures and get ideas from you all on any bright ideas for making one of these. I will be utilizing this for storage and for trailering long distances to keep crap from flying out of the boat.
Good morning, Paul~

I documented the process in my epic RED-LEG post. It is somewhere near the end - Page 6:;do=post_view;search_string=Sneakbox%20Renovation#p285482

I used 3/4-inch Cypress for the frames and 1/2 inch plywood for the rails....

View attachment sm Cover 06.jpg

Top was 1/4-inch AC plywood:

View attachment sm Cover 13.jpg

It was sheathed with 6-ounce 'glass on exterior - and oil paints inside:

View attachment sm Cover 15.jpg

Hope this helps!


Jeff Smith made a cover for his Black Brant II similar to that but he built it in two halves. When hunting solo he'd keep the front half on the boat and grassed up. Made a nice place to stow away gear and provided a little more cover.
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I made a 2 piece cover for my BBSB that latches and can be locked. I had a couple goals when I designed it. I wanted no deck hardware involved, and I wanted everything to be non-snagging on waders. It works very well, though it is grossly over built.

In the second picture see the small round edged triangles? The front and back are placed down onto the deck. Sliding/drawing the 2 halves together interlock them with the triangles mounted inside the coaming seen is picture 3. The clasps draw together then a padlock can be inserted. I bought a set of 4 locks all keyed alike. 2 are used on the cover, 1 on the OB, and one on the trailer tongue.

View attachment cover.jpgView attachment 2.jpgView attachment 3.jpgView attachment 4.jpgView attachment 5.jpgView attachment 6.jpg

Again, if I was doing it again, I will reduce all the thickness dimensions. I can stand on this cover! I only use it when I will have the boat outside overnight and want to lock it up. I am sure a bad guy could get in, it only keeps the honest people honest and slows down a dishonest person. It is weather tight though. The PITA is having to take it off at the ramp and set it aside as I load the boat, then stick in the back of the truck for the hunt and repeat at the end of the hunt. Normally it hangs on the wall in the boat shop.
Eric Patterson said:
Jeff Smith made a cover for his Black Brant II similar to that but he built it in two halves. When hunting solo he'd keep the front half on the boat and grassed up. Made a nice place to stow away gear and provided a little more cover.

Really great idea there