dont use this on yer dawgs fellas


Well-known member
lord fellas i thought i lost daisy tonite....
she wandered into the neighbors yard and got roofing tar all over her paws so i went about cleaning her
with mineral spirits then soap and water well fellas she starts about 1/2 hour later breathing hard and panting with her tounge way out and starts rubbing her paws on the carpet the floor and the bed anything realy then i call the vet and 2 hours later they call back,it only lasted about 40 minutes then she calmed down....
it scared us sumthin terrible..
vet said it was the mineral spirits and to use polysporin on her feet to numb them ...
next time use an orange base cleaner fast orange etc ...
no mineral spirits to clean tar off fellas
Good to know Sherm, glad that things turned out OK. When my chessie was about 6 months old I gave him a 7-in-1 booster shot that he had a really bad allergic reaction to, he threw up and passed out on his feet, then woke up and stumbled around groggy for about 15 minutes. Scared the living crap out of me, I thought I had killed him. He recovered fine but it was a scary experience. Glad again that your dog is OK!
Sure is good to hear that Daisy is all right, Sherm. Sounds like she is one inquisitive girl. She sure had to be a mess.
Glad to hear Daisy's OK! Thanks for the heads up on the mineral spirits.

Dogs are always getting into something!
yes the ol`girl is just fine..right as rain as they say but there has to be something new to smell and off she goes she always comes back we have a 5 acre `s and she is on it somewhere or the farm next door ,when all that roofing tar was put on the bar i geuss she just had to figure out what the heck that stink i wash me hands in that all the time cuts and all never thought it would do anything to her ,,tar and varsol come hand in just glad it was a minor then a major because my duaghter would never forgive me if it was my fault ....

i just heard that stuff they use for floors the swifer floor wipe/mop fluid is bad for pets ....

i never relized there paws are a gateway to there blood and nervous system,,,,,,,
