eagle pics

"lens envy" before I do now....

This is one of those things that I wish I was present for but I know that I wouldn't have the lens to do it justice...and knowing that I also know I'd be yelling at the Eagle's...."you keep on doing what your doing" as I bailed into the truck and headed for the closest camera store to buy THE BIGGEST LENS that they had not even taking into consideration how many bots I'd have to sell, or Furia decoys I'd have to say, "can't right now" to, to be able to pay for it......

No question being "lucky" tnough to be int he right place at the right time has a lot to do with good nature photography....having the equipment to make the most of it sure helps though......

Neat stuff Jeff...thanks for posting that....

This one should be entitled

"Ever get the feeling that someone is following you?"


This one should be entitled

"Ever get the feeling that someone is following you?"

Yeah, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you aren't being followed.

That is a freakin awesome series of photos.
