Fall in Maine...

Capt. Brian Rhodes

Well-known member
Been a while since I've posted, but thought I'd share some recent pics.

A few pics from this past weekend from up in the north country.

Thanks for looking.













Thanks Brian

The barn/water photo just became my desktop background

Funny coincidence: I just finished watching your 2010 DUTV show on Alaskan Goldeneyes.

I enjoy your pictures.
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Stunning pictures ~ I was just up in Maine a few weeks ago. Colors hadn't turned yet. The Bar Harbor pictures are wonderful!
Wow! Great photos! I liked the 2nd photo with the powerful reds and the blues. Definitely eye candy for the visual learner types like myself.
Brian, what breath taking photos. Thanks for the gift! What color is that in the foreground of the first two pics? I sure enjoyed those shots (5,6,and 7) interesting terrain. The boathouse shot is a thing of sheer beauty. I enjoyed seeing what your mind's eye saw.
Al, I don't know what color that is, but I can tell you it's a blueberry field. The blueberries are about the last of the color to hold on in the fall here--when they get faint, we know the snow is coming.
Thanks guys, glad you enjoy them.

The lowbush blueberry fields are AMAZING this time of the year. Not many places you see the color in nature.

Great pictures....I was trying to get my wife to move to Maine this summer. I had a job offer in SACO but I couldn't get her to agree to the Maine winter

Anyway, I be in Bath/Dresden later this year so I will let you know.....I love to hunt the Eider

Greg Franks
Wonderful photos...Something I am just not able to see living in Houston now....It only goes from extremely, life threatening hot to sweating not as much. Plus the live oaks down here just don't change in color.

Awwww...the winters really are not bad here. Some snow, but never that REALLY cold for long. I LIKE winter here, as there is much to do. But i am sure i would hate the south-just too hot.

And remember, Saco is in SOUTHERN Maine...lts warmer there. (i doubt it ever gets below -30 degrees below zero...certainly not more than a week per year at most)

Great pics Brian. I will be heading to maine in a week to a friends dad's place in South Bristol. First time to Maine I can't wait to have some fresh lobster and shoot some eiders.
Man those are some great photos! I Love October. The lane and the leaves, make me wanna grab the shotgun and take a Big walk for grouse and woodcock. The steam makes me wanna grab the fly rod. So many things to Do in so little time............

Thanks for the post, very enjoyable.