Just a quick teaser


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I'm waiting in Winnepeg to head home with my Gramma from our trip up to Churchill. We had a lot of fun, learned quite a bit, saw new and interesting things...I've got LOTS of pictures to go through still, but here's a quick teaser of our trip.....


Awwww.... He just wants his chin scratched. :)
Looking forward to more photos like this.

Well, we are waiting.... That is a trip I've always wanted to do. I'm ready for soem inspiration.

That is a lot closer to a polar bear than I ever care to be!!!!
Cant wait to read and see more!
Nice tease. Tease being, we all know that is not a polar bear, everyone knows polar bears always have a coke bottle.
Great pic, cant wait for the next.
Oh he was sweet as can be. Polar Bears being soft and cuddly doncha know....

AND there were actually pictures taken on the trip of people with coke bottles and the polar bear....buuut I don't have any of them...

Once I've got the pictures all together I'll be posting a loooooong story. LOTS of pictures and Polar Bears aren't the only thing we saw.
