Just to let you guys Know................

A lot of good time were had in that barn. The first place I ever seen anybody slapped in the face with a beaver pecker. We'll help you get back in running.
I've always been a fan of your work, the quality of it showed how much you loved doing it. Those photos are absolutely gut wrenching.

I truly hope things get back to as normal as possible as quickly as possible.
Thanks guys for all the well wishes and offers for help. Right now I am waiting to get a go ahead to do a clean up after all who need to have a look see. It hurts watching all I had in there rust away.

Sean is right we had alot of good times in that barn Alot of carvers used to come by and hang out. I'll miss that.

Thanks for all the encouragement, Jode
Jode - I am real sorry to hear that. I thank God it was just a barn and not your home. I'll gladly donate a pair of decoys for auction to help you with your expenses... My heart goes out to you and your family my friend. Let me know on the decoys. Godspeed! Pat
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Sorry for your loss. Fires are tragic, traumatizing events, even when no one gets hurt. Hope you can get your insurance company and agent to quickly rebuild the structure and replace lost contents. As a retired firefighter with a total of over 35 years, with three fire departments, it has been my experience that the sooner you can get the old structure torn down and you can start work on a new one, replacing the contents the best you can,the sooner you can see positive possibilities. One word of hope/suggestion. Even with heavy destruction, if it can be safely done, check for salvageable possessions. Even in heavy involvement fires, there can be areas that did not have as high a heat, or items that are not destroyed beyond salvage. Areas closest to the floor will generally have the lowest temperatures, but also check corners. Sometimes fire rolls the corners and does not burn those areas as severely. Check protected areas inside cabinets, at the back of shelves, etc. too.

You will remember this fire and its impact for the rest of your life. If you can salvage a few items, and clean them up enough to display them in your new shed/workshop, but still show the fire's impact, they can become treasured keepsakes. It is counterintuitive, but it seems to help a lot of property owners cope with the loss in a positive, take control way. It seems like it links the two structures, and makes the new one part of the old.............

Just make sure it is safe to enter each area. From the pictures, there was heavy damage to some structural supports, and a partial collapse. Ask if a fire investigaor or safety officer can come out and determine which areas are safe to enter. If no areas are deemed safe, be there when the demolition crew is working and keep an eye out for salvageable items and keepsakes. A lot of wrecking crews will work with you if you explain what you are looking for.


Sorry to hear about the shed but glad no one was hurt. Please let us know when and where and what we can help with. You guys will be in our prayers.


We've met a few times but you will probably not remember me by name; only face. Keep your chin up kid. You are an extremely talented young man. I have admired your carvings for quite some time. I always thought that you were a very nice guy. Everything in life happens for a reason. Thank God that neither you or any of your family members were injured in the fire. Everthing else can be replaced. Hang in there. Things will soon start looking up for u again. God Bless !!
Jode, I meant what I said today my tools are yours if you need them, give Lois and the kids a hug everything will work it self out
Sorry to hear of your loss...That happened to me on January 24th of 2011 when my house burned...Lost a lot of my personal hunting equipment and other fine relics of the past...

Sorry to hear of it Jode. I think the only thing more traumatic is a death in the family and so often they happen at the same time. Glad to hear that everyone is OK in your case.
Jode, for what it's worth--The day after my MFA thesis exhibition, and everything was back in the stufio, an arsonist burned my studio partner and I out. It's tough to lose stuff, but, in the end, it is JUST stuff, and the blessing is that you are all ok. Hopefully, you were insured for this catastrophic moment in your life.
Now, you can start healing and working toward a better set of memories.