NDR When you spend time in the woods things happen


Well-known member
right before your eyes ..........
Seeen a momma thunder chicken doin the dance stopped looked around and there they were the littluns ,she was starting to whine like a dog she was so upset i was not fallin for her dance....

then almost home in a big water hole i saw a doe jump across then when i was just coming into the hole i seen somethin in the water it was a fawn and by god she couldnt swim let alone walk she was just born a few hours before...

I incourage it to the side of the hole where it could keep its mouth above the water,,,,,,now i says you have to get up little one i cant go thru with out drowing you........come on you can do it.....nope just laid there in the water.....then when i turned to come back to the wheeler she went by me right to the wheeler and laid under it.....



I didnt want to put my scent on her so i grabed a pair of rubber gloves i had and washed them in the muck and water then picked it up....... poor thing was having a heart attack i swear right in my hands i could feel it pounding away .....


I bet it never weighed 8 pounds maybe 10lbs then i put it in the tall grass a few feet in from the water hole on the side mum had went...

I said a short prayer for it and got out of there hoping mum would come back and claim it.....

Boy i tell ya it was real shaky on its wobbly legs........

i have pics on my camera and will add them when i get them uploaded..

...one heck of a day it was .....felt good to help out...the way it was struggling in the muck and water im not sure if it would have made it up out of the hole.....

if i was 10 seconds later i would not seen it go across and lay down in the water and i would have just plunged into the hole and mite of drowned it with the wave or hit it.....it was hard to see for sure...

nothin like the backwoods to recharge your batteries boys.....

over and out
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That was quite the episode. You sure had your hands full. I, too, sure hope mom comes back to her little one. Life sure is fragile. Thanks for those great pictures.

It must have been meant to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you at the right place in the right time with the right heart. Thanks for helping the little one out. Maybe in a few years it will be the deer that feeds your family. :>)
Very cool shermie!

I am currently working on a project that looks at fawn mortality. In order to do this, we are capturing new born fawns (usually <4 hours old) and fitting them with an expandable radio collar. We have captured and collared in the neighborhood of 20 fawns so far, and all have been taken back by the mother shortly after we leave. We have had 3 mortalities so far, and all have been the smallest animal of twins or triplets, while its siblings (also collared) have lived on with the mother.
thanks guys, I sure hope I did good ,and it is with momma today...it was funny in the fact mom never came back at all ive encounted fawns and the doe would come back and try to lead you away..I can only assume that she mite of had twins and she was with one and i had the other in front of me..I sure hope washing me hands in the muck like it was laying in didnt leave scent on it...

I have seen many of deer { fawns and does} at this water hole in the past just last year we seen twin fawns and mum 3 times right up till they had no spots.I have hunted this area in the fall and have taken a few fine deer here in the last 20 years .It feels good to help out one never knows in 6 years it mite be a buck and he will give me a looky see before he takes off....lol

Nice pictures! And nice to help the little one out! I think the mom would come back.

Molly was poking around yesterday as I was working in the garden and she put up a fawn. I was able to call her off as the fawn ran across the yard.