not duck related but surfin related


Well-known member
any surf gurus out there from the hey day Makayla loves boogie boarding at the beaches here we get some nice waves this time of year from the huricanes coming i was yard sailing doin a little pickin as they say and i spy a surf board ,talk them down to 20 bucks from 75$ which i thought was good on my behalf....

So i get home and check out the board online and its worth $700 new ,wholy freakin cow ...only prob is the nose had a good ding in it and i can figerglass most things half decent but the surf board is a new kinda boat repair and epoxy clear type..i followed along with some you tube vids and they help and im in the process of finding the stuff i need ,one is camofil or sruce something other...its a clear filler for epoxy so it doesnt run so fast when applied....

My question has any of you done a surf board repair especialy the nose end...its not broke off ,it just looks like it got dropped is all...

Is there some do`s and dont`s you mite suggest?

thanks in advance

I have used the kind you apply then put the board out in the sun for a while,,Cant remember the name. But works good and really simple, easy. You can find it at any surf shop. I wouldnt hesitate to simply use some epoxy or resin if thats what you have handy. Be sure to dry the foam out if the board soaked up any water
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]I have used the kind you apply then put the board out in the sun for a while,,Cant remember the name. But works good and really simple, easy. You can find it at any surf shop.

Sun cure
I've done a whole bunch of surfboard repairs. I've shaped and glassed several boards as well(nothing special, just for fun). The resin most often used to glass boards with is a polyester that is clear. It is used as a laminating resin so it usually doesn't come with wax in it. I would suggest using epoxy and regular fillers like cabosil or microballons for repairs. Epoxy is easier to work with. Surfboard repairs are rarely done in a way that will make the board appear to have never been repaired. It is perfectly ok to have a big white spot glassed over where you used filler to patch a hole. If you really want the board to look new for some reason then the only way I can think you will achieve this is by painting the whole board after you repair it.

To fix a crack/hole in a surfboard: remove jagged delaminated glass. Sand glass surrounding hole just to scuff it up. Fill hole with epoxy+filler. Sand filler flush with surrounding glass. Cover repair with one or two layers of 4-6oz cloth. Your done. Optional: sand repair/wet sand repair tell desired look is achieved. The more you sand the less strength you'll have in your repair. Practically you'd be better off just sanding away snags and sharp spots and then leaving it be. The glass on a surfboard is very thin. You don't have much to work with.

New surfboards are expensive. $700 is nothing special. You should probably just throw some glass on the thing and make it water tight. Then surf it. That's what it's for.
thanks guys, good info ,and if 700 isnt alot wholy cow! for a piece of foam covered in truely is an art to make these boards .