Olive oil for dog's bad breath

I can't say for sure yet, but I may have found the answer.

I recently started giving the old Lab about a tablespoon of olive oil with each meal. The horrendous bad breath (hers) went away. I had tried Greenies and all, but found out my money was going faster than her bad breath. For free-feeders, I don't know how you could dose it.

Maybe this is well documented within DBHF but if anyone tries it, post your results please. I'd like to prove my theory.

Now to find a cure for her deafness!

Good luck to all with the coming season!
I fear you may have traded bad breath for something equally fragrant. I hope not.

My sister in law has a busted tooth, and bad breath too!

Can I trade her for what's left of your bottle of olive oil?
Well if its her kisses that are a spoilin the moment i mite suggest them green spearmint candies....

Im sorry i just couldnt help myself

let me know if there is sumthin as daisy has horrible breathe by times and all her teeth are good .she licks her feet alot due to alergies so im geussin thats the cause it only flairs up now in the fall...i have yet to figure out what it is...once we get to the ocean hunting it seems to go away...
I can't say for sure yet, but I may have found the answer.

I recently started giving the old Lab about a tablespoon of olive oil with each meal. The horrendous bad breath (hers) went away. I had tried Greenies and all, but found out my money was going faster than her bad breath. For free-feeders, I don't know how you could dose it.

Maybe this is well documented within DBHF but if anyone tries it, post your results please. I'd like to prove my theory.

Now to find a cure for her deafness!

Good luck to all with the coming season!

Well, maybe you are on to something, Rich---I think I'll try that on Maya who is Bev's Cavalier lap dog.

Chili has that same deaf problem but when I think of the number of shells that I fired while she hunted with me, the only thing I could visualize was a mini-head set, like the guys and gals wear while working with jets.
Good luck to you, also. Only 9 days to wait for our early teal season.
Shermie, the fall is usually the worst time for the year- long accumulation of pollens. That could be one of three thousand possibilities. Nothing like salt water though. Send 'em down the coast to Maine!