Opened up the ramp today

Dani said:
Gorgeous river Dave. Certainly beats lazing at home

When I saw that you had responded, I fully expected to open your response and see the question "what's a pike pole?" As for the other option you mentioned, I took care of that all morning long. [;)]
Well I figured a pike pole was something a big heman like you took out to subdue monster pike. No pike alive would mess with you while you carry your pike pole....

Or I thought maybe you were talking about using your fishing rod for pike to open up the boat ramp...and figured naaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh you wouldn?t so abuse a fishing rod in such a way

But not that you mentioned it....what is a pike pole????
That's pretty wicked looking. I could use one of those on my daily walks to keep the neighborhood wolves at bay.
You know dave, think about piling a bunch of trash on the ramp to keep it insulated, so it doesn?t freeze up. Maybe insulation and plywood.