Rest in Peace Tom

Mark W

Well-known member
It is with a heavy heart and listless soul that I share the news of Tom's passing. He died, peacefully, and with his family around him late last night.

I met Tom at the very beginning of the DBHF inception. Tom, Jim Reinke and Mike Fischer would gather twice/year to catch up and the share the love of the sport we called duck hunting. Our fist gathering was at my house and I sure hope I still had the pictures. I'll look for them later. Tom came with several of his boats in tow behind his camper. He was very proud of what he had built and shared the many stories of his youth growing up in Ortonville MN - a very small town in the prairie pothole region of MN. Outside of the summer gatherings, we would meet about 50 miles north of the cities in the winter and ice fish together. I remember one time in particular when Dave McCann joined us. It had to be -500 deg. F the night before we were to meet and Dave drove up and slept on the ice in the bed of his pick up if I recall correctly. I do remember it being so cold the beer had to be kept in the cooler to prevent it from freezing. Also remember Tom pulling out his 4 wheeler to pull his gear across the ice. The darn thing wouldn't start. Naturally with Tom being a small engine teacher at the local community college, I had to give him all kinds of crap about how his stuff wouldn't run and wondered aloud what kind of teacher he was - and so on and so on....... Well that got him motivated and while he could have easily driven onto the ice in his truck, he was bound and determined to get the 4 wheeler running which he did.

The past few years Tom would meet up with the crew I was a part of out around Lake Traverse which is on the extreme western edge bordering South Dakota.. He always preferred to solo hunt rather than hunt with our group but he always mad it in to have dinner and beers with us on Saturday evening. My buddies enjoyed his company and knowledge.

I don't have many pictures on my computer ut do have this one of Tom. Back in the day I was bound and determined to make a mini mud motor out of a weed whacker engine. I was having some issues where I needed to machine a couple of parts and didn't have the tools to do so. I gave Tom a call and he opened up his school shop and met me there on a weekend. Sure enough, he had the tools, knowledge and skill to make the parts I needed. With him, I got that motor running and still own itto this day, along with several others that were built from what was learned on this first one.

While I am saddened to see Tom leave us, it was time for him to go. He would not have enjoyed being a burden on his family and sure wasn't the sort of guy to enjoy being in the state he was in at the end. He loved his dogs and called them his kids all the time. He lost a few over the years I've known him and frequently spoke of the rainbow bridge when others on this site lost their dogs. I don't know much about this bridge but am certain Tom's prior companions were there to eagerly welcome him home.

Godspeed my friend.

View attachment Tom2.jpg
I remember that outing and yes it was cold that night and the next day. Tom didn't let it get to him and that is a statement about Tom's life in general. I can't remember a time that Tom did not have a smile on his face.

Tom is at peace now and I'm sure he is giving all his prior dogs a head rub even now, as we all go about reminiscing of the past.

Good bye Tom.
God be with you, Tom. I count my blessings that we have corresponded since meeting on this website. I also think of the countless times that I passed by your home when I was out hunting ducks and pheasants in Big Stone county. You are missed. Thank you for showing me what being so courageous is all about. I shall not forget.

My prayers are with Tom's family at this time.

Thank you for all the updates and news on Tom.

It is truly a sad day for the community. Tom was a friend to many. Not only was he generous with his talents, he was also a very respectful friend with an even temper and supportive of us when needed. I will miss his contributions, wit, and professional manner in which he always conducted himself. He was one of the stalwarts of this site and we relied on him for it. God bless Tom and his family.

Eric Patterson
My dad met Tom at one of the goose island gatherings and had nothing but kind words. He'll be missed. Condolences to his family and friends.
I never met Tom. And yet I did through this site and through his friends.

It is a hard thing to watch a friend decline and die. God bless you Mark for your caring love.

Phil, your photos give a clear picture, no pun intended, of a good man who loved among many other higher priorities, duck hunting.

I love the photo of the gathering of friends and family and kids. It tells a marvelous story about the kind of people we duck hunters can be.

The Scripture says, "Because I live you will live also." I look forward to meeting Tom on the Other Side.

May the Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord make His face shine upon him, may the Lord lift up His countenance upon Tom and his family and give him and them peace.

Such a big loss to this community.

He offered the use of waders for my Dad just a few years ago when my Dad was visiting from Australia so we could spend some quality time out on the water, which was only about a short time before my Dads kidney cancer was found and diagnosed.

Just this fall I was able to share some time with Tom before he got out on his 2 hunting trips he was so excited to be able to go on. He asked and I made a special trip up on my day off work to show him in person my new mud motor build (using a 16HP v-twin I purchased from him) he also showed off his new topper popper so he could camp out in the bed of his pickup without having to install his camper. I even passed him on my way back from the Duluth High School MTB race in backed up traffic on his way back from his WI grouse hunting weekend where he got to use his new black powder 20ga.

He was a wonderful person that was a wealth of knowledge and also one that loved to tinker on many different things.

Rest in Peace Tom, and may all your friends and family remember just how great of a person you were.
I?m sorry to hear the news. I guess that?s the price we pay being part of a successful online community, eventually some of our members moved to the great beyond.
My sincere sympathies to you and those who knew Tom personally. My heartfelt condolences to his family.
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Sad to see Tom leave us but glad he is no longer dealing with pain.

Fortunate to meet Tom 2 years ago & soak up as much knowledge as I could in a short time. Thankful for his advice & willingness to help a rookie builder.
I never had the privilege to meet Tom but from reading his posts and the many members comments he was a fantastic guy. His passing is a loss to us all. My condolences to his family and many friends.
So sorry to hear about the loss of our Duck Hunting Brother, and your friend.

It's hard to find comforting words in times as these, and I am especially good at not being able to find them.

We should all take a little comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering both physically and mentally, and that he passed peacefully, and with his family at his side. We should all be so lucky.

Rest in peace my fraternal brother...

Tom is the quintessence of a DHBP member....friendly, helpful, resourceful, generous...or yeah, he liked hunting ducks too. You will be missed.

Rest In Peace my friend.

Chuck Jagger
I had the pleasure of meeting Tom for the first time on a hunt in Argentina. What a blast that trip was. An incredible adventure with great people. What struck me the most about him and always stayed with me was his never ending optimism and happiness. It gave him a special glow. More people in this world need that kind of outlook on life.

The week I spent down there was sadly the only time I got to spend with Tom. However, it was a great week and definitely one seared into my mind and heart as an outstanding adventure.

I hate that Toms path ended this way but am grateful he is no longer in pain. He will be missed incredibly.

Rest in peace my friend. I hope that you got to see your dogs waiting for you at the rainbow bridge.

I never met Tom but am saddened by his passing. At 75 years i have lost too many friends and acquaintances it is painful to reflect on. I know he is in a much better place. Prayers for his family. God bless Tom.

"The lord is my shepherd i shall not want"
Dani said:
I had the pleasure of meeting Tom for the first time on a hunt in Argentina. What a blast that trip was. An incredible adventure with great people. What struck me the most about him and always stayed with me was his never ending optimism and happiness. It gave him a special glow. More people in this world need that kind of outlook on life.

The week I spent down there was sadly the only time I got to spend with Tom. However, it was a great week and definitely one seared into my mind and heart as an outstanding adventure.

I hate that Toms path ended this way but am grateful he is no longer in pain. He will be missed incredibly.

Rest in peace my friend. I hope that you got to see your dogs waiting for you at the rainbow bridge.


Dani, I talked to Tom a week or two ago...after I returned from Alaska. Some how, the converaation turned to that trip to Argentina. I am quite sure that trip and the people went with, made that trip one of his cheerished duck hunting memories.
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Rest In Peace Tom. It is sad to lose a fellow waterfowling bit you suffering is
To Mark and all that were fortunate enough to meet Tom and befriend him,
and to Tom?s Family, I am so sorry for your loss .