something to think about

rick born

in 1942 Remington DuPont ran an ad full page, never vote for someone who cant shoot. this saying came from press article from 1803 in Kentucky. a person was running for office and he was being heckled by someone in the crowd. the heckler said something about if you can hit the target he would vote for him. the bet was taken the target set at eighty paces. the gent took a gun from crowd shot and hit the target. he won that election and many more. I was just thinking how much better state of affairs would be as far as this gun control topics if we voted that way not. holding your breath for the next foot to come down on you about what gun their taking away next. I mite ad to that quote never vote for someone who cant shoot and who doesn't enjoy the outdoors ( camping fishing hunting kayaking and hiking) not playing tennis or golf. food for thought? rick
great thought

but those people will never float to the top of the party cesspool and get on a ballot

in NY we got Coumo because of the promotion system- he was told to take the attorney general job and then he could be the next governor, he was not chosen by the citizens - he put his time in the party and played the game and worked up to the position.

i remember at some later point reading a political commentary that was written in 1968 when Richard Nixon ran again Hubert Humphrey - the point of the column was the when the country was founded we were a nation of 2 million people and we had leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams and so on. And now, as we approached the nation's 200th birthday and were a nation of 200 million -- these two are our best choice?????

i remember at some later point reading a political commentary that was written in 1968 when Richard Nixon ran again Hubert Humphrey - the point of the column was the when the country was founded we were a nation of 2 million people and we had leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams and so on. And now, as we approached the nation's 200th birthday and were a nation of 200 million -- these two are our best choice?????

I think the problem is that the best leaders are not in politics anymore, like they were when we had the founding fathers or some our modern politicians form the "greatest generation".
If some one is a good leader, they are either in the business world or the military, why would they want to give that up to put themselves and their families into the national political meat grinder as it stands today?
one of my favorite comments


from the Greek word poly - meaning many

and ticks - a blood sucking parasite
great thought

but those people will never float to the top of the party cesspool and get on a ballot

in NY we got Coumo because of the promotion system- he was told to take the attorney general job and then he could be the next governor, he was not chosen by the citizens - he put his time in the party and played the game and worked up to the position.

Lets not forget when talking about Cuomo that his father being the former governor helped him along as well. That and screwing over just about every state worker I have ever met. He still owes my father $70k in incremental raises that he'll never get. That can be a pretty big deal when you are retirement age.
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